Cut me some slack

Well, this is really stupid. A few days ago, I noticed that I had a giant hangnail on my index finger. Did I do anything about it? No, because I am very Manly and am able to ignore such a pain as trifling as a hangnail.

Today at work, in the course of my daily routines, shuffling through papers and books and whatnot, I got a nasty papercut on the ring finger of the same hand. What did I do? I licked it a few times and forgot about it.

Later in the day, I had a slight run-in with a book return cart. Nothing serious, but it meant that I had a second small cut on the ring finger of the same hand.

It began to bleed. The papercut, which had previously ceased to bleed, began to bleed once more. Then, the hangnail TWO WHOLE FINGERS OVER started to bleed.

When I got home from work, I cut off the hangnail and went to go wash out my cuts and put bandages on them. For even though I am Manly I wish to prevent infection where possible.

As I opened the medicine cabinet door, its bottom metal corner swung right across the top of my forearm – the same arm as the hand with the cuts – and resulted in a large gash, from which blood began to ooze.

“Give me a break,” I said. “Give me a break.”

More news to come at the top of the hour

  • Boxer briefs: the perfect compromise!
  • Lots of good shows are on television!
  • Pizza is good, but have you tried cheeseburger pizza?
  • Doritos make you fart! Or at least, they make me fart!
  • Super Mario Bros.: a *classic* video game!
  • The Winter Olympics are certainly full of talented athletes!
  • Comics aren’t just for kids anymore!
  • Did you know that there are other kinds of videotape besides VHS?
  • Jewish people don’t believe in Jesus!
  • For fast internet service, try cable!
  • You know who’s really stylish? Gay folks!
  • With ‘emoticons’ you can express yourself without words!
  • Dick Cheney is a knife-wielding maniac!


I learned today that in Germany, George Bush is really Rambo, Colin Powell is really Batman, and Donald Rumsfeld dresses up like Conan the Barbarian.

Condi Rice is probably Wonder Woman, but you can’t tell from this.

Meanwhile, Dick Cheney is just your garden-variety knife-wielding maniac.

NU announces plans to fill in Lake Michigan

Filled in lake “welcome”, administrators say

By Lucas Hackett
The Daily Heywestern

Northwestern University administrators today revealed plans to fill Lake Michigan with concrete in order to facilitate expansion for the crowded campus, and also because their disdain for nature has not been emphasized enough in the past.

Lake Michigan to be filled in
Plans released today by NU administration include filling in the whole stupid lake.

“This campus is running out of room,” said Senior Vice President for Business and Finance Eugene Starshine, his shifty eyes darting back and forth. “In order for us to remain competitive with other similar-sized universities, we’re going to have to fill in Lake Michigan. All of it.”

When asked why such a drastic step was necessary, Starshine replied, “It isn’t necessary at all. It is much, much more land than we will ever conceivably need. But it is good to have it there just in case. And besides, we hate the students and they seem to like the lake, so we figured this would piss them off.”

University President Henry Zienen concurred. “Every decision this university makes is determined by money. Except this one. This one is motivated by pure contempt, for the land and for the student body.”

“I always hated that fucking lake,” he added.

Student reactions have ranged from complaining online in the privacy of their dorm rooms to holding protest rallies in various widely-traveled areas of campus. One such rally was held on the library plaza.

hey hey, ho ho
Students respond to the university’s plans with a rally.
Over 25 people were in attendance.

Jenny Pigeon, a Weinberg freshman, was among those present at the rally. “Wow,” she said. “I mean, it said in all the prospective student pamphlets that the administration was evil, but this is totally like Satan evil.”

Rich Bundle, a Speech alumnus, turned up at the rally as well. “I think it is the right of every student at this school to experience the campus exactly as I experienced it, as a student here ten years ago. The lake wasn’t filled in then, and it shouldn’t be filled in now. Also, they should tear down all of these new fucking buildings, because they weren’t here either.”

He continued, “Luckily, I was able to come here today because I have no job.”

Cory Mudge, a Speech senior, was among those who organized the rally. “They announced these plans less than three weeks before they were going to begin filling the lake in. That’s no way to do a press release!”

“It’s not about whether filling in the lake is a good or bad thing,” Mudge summed up. “It’s about getting the students involved in the decision to fill in the lake.”

When asked for a response, university officials cackled ruthlessly and raised tuition by several thousand dollars.

Valentine’s day: love and tits

Today is Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is the one day each year which we set aside for purposefully expressing to those we love how much we love them by buying them adorable and/or vaguely smutty Hallmark? cards. Unfortunately, every time I set foot into a Hallmark? store, I inevitably end up hovering in front of the Precious Moments? display case, hypnotized by their evil, spiralling eyes. My blood slowly begins to boil in a murderous rage, and at this point I either purchase a lilac-scented machine gun and go mow down the customers and employees at the Chick-Fil-A next door, after which I am taken out by police snipers, or my face contorts into a violent grimace as I smash the cases and everything in the immediate radius with my bare fists, and soon I bleed to death from the resultant severed arteries. So, needless to say, I avoid Hallmark? stores whenever possible. Happily, I am a bitter, hateful person who loves nobody, so it is not much of a problem.

Therefore, today, while others were thinking of the feeling of love in their hearts, I was thinking about the feeling of pain in my right tit.

I know what you’re thinking. “You are a man. What know you of tit pain?” Well, I’m not claiming to suffer from a broken back from double Ds or bruises on my face and stomach from running down a flight of stairs without proper support. Nay, support has nothing to do with the nature of my complaint. Nevertheless, pain is pain, tits are tits, and in the case of men the best verification that one indeed has tits is to have pain in one. While getting out of my van yesterday after work, I misjudged the distance from my stylish faux-leather satchel to my body, and as I stepped out, I pulled the bag toward myself, thinking to put it over my shoulder, but instead clobbering my right tit with a great deal of force ? at least, a great deal of force relative to the average amount of force at which tits are ordinarily clobbered.

“Ow! My tit!” I hollered, attracting the attention of old ladies and small children at play in the middle of the street. As I had their attention I figured I would make a show of it, so I did a little dance of pain, jumping, spinning, rubbing my sore tit. Later that night, as I lay in bed, I dreamed that I was at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta and that the female gymnasts were using my right tit as a springboard for the pommel horse. “Dammit, Dominique Moceanu, stop jumping on my tit!” I woke up screaming.

I knew I should have called in sick to work today. This afternoon, as my brain was ordering white blood cells by the thousands to my right tit in order to fight off the dull pain that remained ? apparently to the point where all of my other motor functions were slowed ? I ran smack-dab into somebody. In fairness to my brain, the corridors in the office where I work were laid out by Frank Lloyd Wrong, the eccentric sadist architect. However, this mitigation was unhelpful, because the person I ran into was smaller than I, and the point of impact on her body was her shoulder, and the point of impact on my body was ? wait for it ? my right tit.

“Ow! My tit!” I hollered, for the second time in as many days. Like a leaky bucket that has been refilled just before the water all runs out the bottom, the pain had returned to my tit. The woman was very apologetic, but it was not her fault. I explained to her that I had been very careless about my tits lately, or at least just the one. She nodded understandingly and rushed off to call building security.

As I write this, I have a frozen steak on my tit, hoping to keep the swelling down. I went shopping on Amazon for a protective chainmail sports bra, but boy, is THAT place ever misnamed.

Happy Valentine’s Day, from the very bottom of my tit.

Never forget

Cruel, cruel world. They’ve killed the butterflies.

Somewhere between 250 million and 270 million butterflies were killed in a freak Mexican snowstorm. Millions and millions of butterflies carpeted the Mexican ground in a beautiful sonata of symmetrical frozen death. Tell me, where is your god now?

I tell you, he’s in Mexico dancing on butterfly corpses!

By the time I get to Arizona

That’s it. I am going to settle this church and state debate once and for all.

Apparently, some legislators over in Arizona, in a surge of national pride, introduced a bill which would encourage every Arizona school to display the phrase “In God We Trust” in every conceivable location which a child’s wandering line of sight might find. But I am paraphrasing. From the bill itself:


The legislators appear to want to use this phrase to inspire patriotism in the heart of every child, and, by extension, unite us all in our war against the browner peoples of the earth. Why this particular phrase, I have to wonder? Why is it patriotic? Because it shows up on coins? Because it’s buried somewhere in the national anthem, in the fourth verse, which nobody ever knows the words to?

The surface argument against displaying the phrase all over God’s creation is that it is insensitive to assume that everyone trusts in God, and this argument should be compelling enough on its own to make the legislators think twice about what they are trying to do. Even a person who believes in the existence of God might not necessarily trust in God, or may only to the extent that they are confident that he will fuck them over.

But these legislators are trying to link the phrase to patriotism, to American history.

What do we mean when we say “in God we trust”? In God we trust. We trust in God. We believe in God. We have faith that God will deliver.

And in the context of America? “We have faith that God will come and take care of our shit, while simultaneously making it difficult or impossible for the people we don’t like or don’t care about to accomplish their shit.” If that’s too harsh, then perhaps: “We are confident that the master of all existence is going to guide America with a shining light into a glorious future, one in which America is economically and technologically superior to all other nations, and preferably without abortion clinics.” Well, there I go again. But needless to say, I think that the feeling this phrase generates (and the motivation to use it) is not patriotism at all, but arrogance, selfishness, and isolationism. But I suppose that these are the characteristics by which patriotism is defined, which is an unfortunate reality.

Let’s leave God alone. He’s got enough to worry about, with dozens upon dozens of nations and religious factions all over the world claiming him for their team. And since he is God, he can be on everybody’s side; but what would the point of that be? So I’m guessing he doesn’t bother. Besides, everyone knows that God’s primary interests nowadays lie in nanofabrication. (It says so right there in the Bible. The new one. The one that came out in January. Don’t you have a subscription?)

I honestly don’t mean to offend anyone who lives by the phrase. But to trust in God is a personal choice – as is *not* to trust in God – and to install the phrase on classroom walls smacks of propagandism, of a governing body that wants its youth to grow up loving a country without ever understanding the reasons for loving it.

Besides, the project would likely be counterproductive anyway. When I served on jury duty a couple weeks back, one of the first things I noticed about the courtroom were the words “In God We Trust” displayed in large letters on the wall. If there’s as much slow time at school as there was in that jury box, the students are going to do what I did and start rearranging the letters in their minds to spell out funny new phrases such as TONGUED WRIST, UNSORTED WIG, UNDERGO TWIST, URGED TIT SNOW, WINGED TROUT, and of course, TOWERING STUD.

In fact, that would probably make a better (at least, more honest) classroom wall motto.


2002 Daily Hey Oscar Picks

Apparently the Academy Award nominations are going to be announced tomorrow, so I thought I would jump in there first with a few Oscar nominations of my own.

Best Picture: “Oscar and Lucinda”
Best Director: John Landis, “Oscar”
Best Gay Playwright: Oscar Wilde
Best Luncheon Meat: Oscar Mayer
Best Can-Dwelling Monster: Oscar the Grouch
Best Half of “The Odd Couple”: Oscar Madison
Best Walter Matthau Role: Oscar Madison
Best Jack Klugman Role: Quincy (come on)
Best Character from “Ghostbusters 2″: Baby Oscar
Best Boxer: Oscar de la Hoya
Best Linux Software Bundle: OSCAR
Best Oscar: Oscar Best, “Angel Heart”
Best Holocaust Subverter: Oskar Schindler
Best Fashion Designer: Oscar de la Renta
The Irving Thalberg Lifetime Achievement Award for Being Named Oscar: Oscar Micheaux
Best Archbishop of El Salvador: Oscar Romero
Best World-Class Pianist and Jazz Great: Oscar Peterson
Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Steve Buscemi, “Ghost World”
Best Clothier: Oscar of Sweden
Best Computer Science Professor: Oscar Waddell, Indiana University
Best Anime Character or Something: Lady Oscar
Best Guitars: Oscar Schmidt by Washburn
Best… aw, fuck it.

Drugs to which I am addicted

Iocaine powder
Finger puppets
Sweet ‘N’ Low
Nancy gas
Iron filings
Sex packets
Hell biscuits
Flipper babies
Honey mustard
Crushed egg cartons
Silica gel
Immodium AD
Duck saliva
Applesauce caplets
Lost buttons
Freezer scrapings
Cough syrup
Red devils
Yellow jackets
Blue heavens
Black rogues
Scarlet pimples
Prime-number-shitting bears
Shirley Temples
Target shoppers
Elevator operators
Nasty waxies
Chocolate pennies
Composite gray t-shirt fabric doobies
Candied buckshot
Prairie oysters
Tic tacs dipped in latex paint
Angel dust
Unleaded plus
Episode recaplets
Aluminum beans
Naked Susans
Jellied glass
Crystal meth
Shoe polish
Klugman Qs
Tooth powder
Cheese grannies
Animal planets
Rabies shots
Butter buds
Soap shavings
Chicken feet
Klondike fives
Taffeta gas
Rose petals

Drugs to which I am not addicted



God bless you, Nancy Reagan!

Three thousand hits!

Recently the counter at the bottom of my page hit 3000. This means there are now over three thousand times that my webpage has been looked at since the middle of October. Roughly one third of that is me, and three fourths of the remaining two thirds are represented by hapless Google searchers who search for “policewoman lingerie party” or some such nonsense, only to find my page and look at it for a split second before deciding it was not what they were looking for.

Nevertheless, it is an important milestone. This puts my page up there with some of the most popular sites on the web, such as,, and, of course, And I have been reaping the financial rewards of having one of the world’s most popular websites. The money has been rolling in. Soon, each Daily Hey I write will bring me one year closer to retirement.

Because I will take a year to write each of them.

Get it? I did a little play there, on what I said before.

Oh, the hell with ya’s!

The case of the muffled scuffle

Every morning, I awaken at approximately 7:05 AM to the extremely loud voices of Mancow and his cohorts on Q101. At approximately 7:05 AM plus ten seconds or less, my fist comes slamming down on that snooze bar with a force that even Thor wielding his mighty Mjolnir could not rival. In general, at this point, I return to sleep, only to repeat the process every ten minutes until I am late for work.

This particular morning, however, my last-minute fits of slumber were interrupted. As I hit the snooze button and lay back down, I heard loud thumping on the floor above me. And more thumping. And some crashing. And a female voice, screaming at the top of her lungs in a very high pitch, “I HATE YOU! YOU ASSHOLE!”. Other things were screamed as well, but that is the only line that I am comfortable quoting. I heard a muffled male voice yelling, but as his voice was deeper it was much more difficult to make out the details. In any event, it appeared that the woman upstairs was not yelling at me, which brought me no small amount of relief.

The thumping continued, and my cat walked over and stood on my chest, his face pointed upwards and his ears wiggling as they followed the source of the sounds. He looked down to me as if to say, “Certainly somebody up there is tearing shit up.” I could not help but agree with him. Soon my alarm went off again, and once again there was Mancow doing his little right-wing radio thing, and once again there was my hand very nearly splitting the alarm clock in twain. The thumping had suddenly stopped. As I am apt to do in the mornings, I promptly forgot about the altercation. (My brain does not work well in the mornings. My clock is set fifteen minutes ahead of the real time, and in the morning I am dazed enough to believe it is the correct time. This is good, because it means I haul my ass out of bed, on average, about fifteen minutes earlier. It is bad because sometimes I forget completely how to work the alarm clock and end up staring at it for thirty seconds, trying to figure out which button to push, and instead of picking the snooze bar, I wrongly choose the button that will turn the alarm off completely.) I returned to my slumber, and dreamed pleasant dreams in which my cat was not standing on my chest.

Today at work, my recollection of these events slowly returned. I wondered if anyone had been injured. I probably would have left for work before any ambulance or police arrived, and they would be long gone by the time I got home. I resigned myself to never knowing for sure. The only indication that both tenants of that apartment are still alive and well is that both of their names remain on their mailbox. That’s not too much to go on in this harsh, crazy world.

But, dammit, it’s all I’ve got.

Vaguely creative and artistically unfocused balderdash.