It’s May / Okay / Hooray! / I say / Hey hey / It’s May / Papier / Mache / Let’s play / Hey hey / It’s May / Portray / Fay Wray / One day / I’ll say / Hey hey / It’s May / I’m gay / J/K! / Nay nay / This way / Sensei / Okay / Hey hey / It’s May / I pay / For play / BOO-TAY! / BOO-TAY! / BOO-TAY! / BOO-TAY!
Come go ’round the world
So who wants to apply with me for a spot on the television series The Amazing Race 3? The premise of the series is that eleven teams of two people each race around the world and engage in a combination of anxious travelling and running around cool-looking ancient landmarks. Each week, the team that comes in “last” while running around the ancient landmarks is ejected from the show; and so it goes until only one team stands at the end as the Ultimate Amazing Racers.
Each team is composed of two people who have a real-life relationship, such as a mother and her daughter, or two frat buddies, or co-workers, or a gay couple, or a young, glamorous starlet in danger and the rough-around-the-edges cop assigned to protect her, or the single-minded and ruthless Inspector Javert and the object of his obsession, cunning bread-stealer Jean Valjean, or some such arrangement. They seem to find separated couples interesting, so I would like to encourage all my estranged wives from whom I have not yet obtained legal divorces to give me a call.
Going on the show seems like a nice, cheap, quick way to see the world, and the show doesn’t seem to saddle the contestants with the whole “media whore” image that shows like Survivor and Big Brother seem to do. If you’re interested, let me know soon, because the deadline’s coming up and we’ll need to make a three-minute tape. Here is a copy of the application. Let’s go kick some divorced fratboy ass!
Straight from the sketchbook to the scanner to the graphics tablet to Photoshop to you!

This is Molly.
Molly is very enthusiastic about something or other. And wouldn’t you be, if the only shadow on your body was underneath your chin?
Mnemonic mnostrils
Apologies for being behind on the updating. I have been extraordinarily busy with various real-world concerns, such as washing my hair.
On Sunday nights I take the train home from work, and while doing so tonight I ended up, by chance, sharing the train ride with a pretty girl who works in my office. She got on the train one stop south of me, and by that time I already had my nose buried in David Brock’s Blinded by the Right which I bought this past week at the comic book store (although, as I discovered, it is not a comic book at all!), and if she had not said my name (Lucas) I may not have ever noticed she was sitting there, one seat over.
So, instead of reading about a man’s journey from liberal social values to neoconservative propagandizing and back again, I had a nice conversation with a person whom I did not know very well. As it turned out, she was getting off the train one stop south of my stop, so we talked the whole time, about such subjects as college majors, getting into classes, putting off writing papers until the last minute, things that every college student can relate to. Her boyfriend, as it turned out, majored in the same thing I did when I was an undergrad twenty years ago, so I briefly walked down memory lane in that regard. All told, it was a fine conversation, considering how awkward train conversations can sometimes be.
It seems wholly unremarkable. But consider this: as we continued to speak I became increasingly aware that an extremely long hair was plummeting in and out of my right nostril with every nasal breath I took. I could feel its boogery wispiness dancing against my upper lip, and it required focused concentration to avoid drawing attention to it by doing something obvious such as swatting it away or batting at it as a kitten would a strand of yarn, or, with my index finger, shoving it back up into my nose, where the other, shorter hairs just might grab it and prevent its return. I did my best to ignore it and continued with the conversation.
If she noticed, she did not let on; and really, I do not care whether she did or not. Perhaps if she did, it would make the conversation that much more memorable. I know it will be memorable for me, as every time a long nose hair brushes against my lip, or tongue, or chin, or sternum, or what-have-you, I will remember this conversation.
And I will repeatedly remember this conversation.
Because I am cursed.
Get ready
Given the escalating tensions in the Middle East, I thought it would be apropos to post a song I wrote a few years back that is very applicable to this situation. Vocals, lyrics, and melody by me; guitar, synth, and arrangement by my brother Tim.
Spenser: For Real

Robert Urich
RIP Bob Urich, dead today at 55.
Recent IMs of note
Re: 24
Samorama76: so did kiefer kieck ass?
lucahack: boom boom bam!
lucahack: kapow!
Samorama76: daaaamn
lucahack: Kiefer’s efforts at ass-kicking are being undercut at every turn by his underlings, however
Samorama76: no!
lucahack: and his superiors don’t approve of his maverick style
lucahack: but Kiefer is a man on the edge!
Samorama76: are you a writer for this show?
lucahack: and he plays by his own rules!
lucahack: I wish!
lucahack: Kiefer’s catch phrase is WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR???
lucahack: and nobody ever answers him
lucahack: they just cuss him out in Serbian and die
Samorama76: what am i missing?!
lucahack: there is a whole world drifting by underneath your nose
Samorama76: pooey
Samorama76: “mene”
lucahack: zuh?
Samorama76: English-Serbian Dictionary
lucahack: oho
lucahack: well played
Re: Legos
lucahack: it was closed
lucahack: bastards
lucahack: maybe tomorrow I’ll go
Samorama76: i looooooooooooooove the lego store
lucahack: my parents are staying down there
Samorama76: IN THE LEGO STORE?
lucahack: near it anyhow
lucahack: I want to get Harry Potter lego shit
Samorama76: eerrr harry potter
lucahack: fuckin’ Hogwarts Castle
Samorama76: im just not down with it
lucahack: don’t judge me
Samorama76: right sorry
lucahack: harry potter r00lz
Re: Madonna’s Truth or Dare
lucahack: “Truth or Dare” is on cable
Samorama76: the madonna movie?
Samorama76: i have cable in my room, i am sooo spoiled
lucahack: Rita Hayworth gave good “face”
lucahack: I am voguing
Samorama76: let yr body go with the flow
lucahack: madonna just asked a dude to whip it out
lucahack: and he did!
Samorama76: well, DUH
lucahack: now she is fellating a bottle
Samorama76: oh that is classic, i love her
lucahack: I bet the Britney Spears documentary won’t have anything like that!
Samorama76: i think it has her sucking down the straw from a capri sun on accident
lucahack: who? Britney?
Samorama76: yep
lucahack: she’s not too sharp, that one
Samorama76: not that innocent, either
lucahack: so I’ve heard
Paying taxes is for suckers
Hello, hard-working American taxpayers! While working on my taxes today, I seem to have found a loophole in the tax code which, if properly exploited, will make taxes much easier to compute and to pay.
You see, in the 1040 instruction booklet, page 62, line 47, item A, part II, is detailed a little known “alternate tax”. I know you’ve seen the words before. If you’re like me, you saw those words there and thought, “Hey, there’s somebody out there paying an alternate tax. I’m glad it’s not me, because I don’t know what number I’m supposed to write there.” How wrong I was.
This is how it works. Go to the IRS website and download the form 1040LA-Z. This form will stand out from the rest of them, because underneath all the identification and address information, there is only one blank, labeled “Alternative Tax?”. Just write “YES” in the blank, and you’re already halfway done.
Next, take a crisp twenty dollar bill and write “TAX” across Andrew Jackson’s face with a black Sharpie. (If you have only a wrinkled twenty dollar bill and/or use a Marks-A-Lot marker instead of a Sharpie, there is no penalty, but processing may be delayed.) Staple the twenty dollar bill to the 1040LA-Z form, and then fold the form into thirds, stapling it closed. Be sure to staple it with the twenty dollar bill inside, and staple it closed in five or six places. With the Sharpie, write “IRS” in large block letters on an exposed side of the 1040LA-Z form. Underneath, write “USA”. You may also want to draw a tiny flag, which would require red and blue Sharpies. Apply a stamp to the upper right corner, drop it in a convenient mailbox, and you just paid your fucking taxes, my friend.
I assure you that all of this is legal.*
*Actual assurances may vary.
Out and about
On Friday afternoon, I was taking a leisurely stroll through my neighborhood, en route to hang out with my pal Sam. Springtime weather finally had Chicago’s testicles in its seasonably warm grip, and so, with my cool sunglasses on and my billowy black hair tied in a fashionable “pony-tail”, I casually strode along the sidewalks of quiet city blocks, delighted to be outside on such a lovely day.
Three blocks south of my apartment, I noticed that up ahead there was a girl standing outside an apartment building, presumably having just pressed the buzzer. Such a thing in my neighborhood is so regular and unremarkable that I had already forgotten about it by the time I reached the other end of the block, where she was still standing. As I passed her, she spoke suddenly:
“Did you see who did that?”
“Did what?” I said, turning to face her. The answer was self-evident once I did so, because the entire upper half of her person, as well as part of the door she was standing in front of, were covered in the remnants of one or two or three eggs. Judging from the points of impact, it seemed likely that the eggs were hurled from far away rather than dropped from above.
“Hurled an egg at me. Did you see it?” she asked, obviously not having overheard my internal monologue.
“No, I didn’t. How long ago did it happen?”
“About twenty seconds ago.”
Holy smokes! I thought. If I hadn’t been lost in thought while meandering down this block, I would have been a witness to this girl being pelted by an egg! Actually, it then occurred to me, if I had been walking at a brisker clip, it may have been me who would be wearing the egg entrails.
“Jesus!” I said. “So you were just standing here, and suddenly you get hit with an egg?”
“Yeah,” she replied. “I have absolutely no idea where it came from, either.”
Neither did I. A passing car? An apartment building across the way? An invisible pedestrian? Could *I* have done it? Had I been brainwashed by the government into becoming some sort of subliminally-influenced assassin, with this egg-hucking incident being one of the final trials of their hypnosis technique before they finally send me in to take out Tony Blair?
“This fucking sucks,” she summed up.
“I’m sorry,” I said.
“It’s not your fault,” she replied.
With that, a buzz came from the door of the building, and she bid me farewell as she pushed her way inside. I had no idea who she was there to see, but I immediately imagined a scenario wherein she arrives at the apartment covered in egg, and a concerned boyfriend asks her what on earth happened; then, she takes him aside and yells that if he had his pants on already when she got there, none of this ever would have happened.
Draw, draw, siss boom bah
Another drawing for you.

This is Mary.
Mary has experimental eyebags. Like Walter Mondale.
My new current favorite record ever

Different Light by The Bangles
Pure pop heaven.
When I was in junior high, my friends, many of whom had mullets and were far cooler than I, were keen on starting a band, for which they had come up with the memorable name “Dark Nightmare”. One fellow wanted to play guitar, another wanted to play drums, another wanted to play bass. I asked if I could be the singer, but no, they already had the singing covered. I said, “Well, can’t there be more than one singer? Can’t different people sing on different songs?” No, I was told. “Why not?”
“Because we don’t want to be like the Bangles!”
Heaven forbid!
Brand new person alert!
Congratulations to Jenn and Todd Carney on the birth of baby boy Aidan!

AIDAN TRAVIS CARNEY, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to be a baby for the next few years, crying and pooping when necessary to accomplish objectives; after these objectives are met, you are to be a young child, and then an older child, and then a teenager ? again, crying and pooping when necessary, but also incorporating field assignments such as going to school, riding a bike, playing baseball, et cetera.
If you accomplish all these goals, then you will grow up to be, perhaps, as great as this man:

At the very least, one day you will get to see this picture.
This message will not self-destruct.
Erroneous funk
My friends, I am beset on all sides by malfunctioning electronic equipment. My desktop computer keeps rebooting itself for no good reason, the voice mail light on my phone won’t stop flashing, the right speaker on my stereo keeps cutting in and out, my vibrating bed no longer functions with the necessary subtlety, and my laptop is so pressed for resources that it is starting to swell up and leak fluid like a blister. Meanwhile, old web browsers and email clients are crashing, hardware drivers are not working, and none of the technical sites I bookmarked three years ago to solve my problems show as having valid addresses.
All is not lost, however, due to the efforts of a courageous few:
The 404 Research Lab
The code “404” is HTTP talk for “File Not Found”. If you follow a bad link or type in an invalid address on an active server, your classier websites will come back at you with their own customized 404 message telling you the link is outdated, or that you typed it in wrong. (My website does not have one of these pages.) The 404 Research Lab is a compendium of the finest “File Not Found”s on the World Wide Web.
Errorwear takes advantage of 404 and its assorted erroristic friends by transplanting them straight from the computer screen onto high-quality cotton T-shirts. Included are new favorites such as “403 Forbidden” and the legendary Windows Blue Screen of Death?, but who can forget such classics as “Bad command or file name_”, or Macintosh’s “Sorry, a system error occurred.”? Nobody, that’s who. Not if we keep them alive via the means of wearing them as T-shirts on our bodies!
These brave websites show that only by confronting our difficulties can we gain a new perspective on the past — and move forward into the future.
He so smart

“I smart,” said President George W. Bush.
Today, in front of millions of Americans, President George W. Bush, known to most as “W”, and to some as “GW”, unilaterally proclaimed that he is smart.
“A whole lotta people say to me, behind my back, that I am dumb,” said the president.
“That gets me pretty steamed,” he continued, twisting his mouth and staring at a space three feet in front of his face. “Because I smart.”
“I plenty smart.”
The story so far
Jonathan K. Chichenshist, a successful lingerie salesman, has been working long, difficult hours to sell the most lingerie for the month of February so that he and his family could win the prize vacation to Puerto Vallarta. As we left him, he was being seduced by the comely Mrs. Billingbuck, whom he does not know is a transvestite. Meanwhile, Esther K. Mutz tunnels her way out of Rustygate Prison with the assistance of her butch lesbian friend, Jenny; and across the country, one twelve-year-old boy named Driddy K. Goppings hops in place in the corner of the bathroom, oblivious to his grandfather’s screams.
“But, Mrs. Billingbuck!” Jonathan stammered. “I’m a happily married man!”
“So am I!” Mrs. Billingbuck yelled, throwing open her parka.
“Whabbada wah!” Jonathan stammered, staggering backwards off the patio.
“But what’s wrong?” Mrs. Billingbuck inquired.
“She’s a he? He’s a she? Chee!” muttered Jonathan dizzily to himself before passing out in the bushes.
Meanwhile, in Rustygate Prison, Esther and Jenny ceased digging their escape tunnel briefly in order to organize their plans.
“How long is this tunnel so far?” Esther wondered.
“Judging by how long it has taken us to get to this point, and by the amount of dirt we pile up per hour, I would have to say that this tunnel is approximately seventy five thousand miles long,” Jenny noted.
“That’s long,” laughed Esther.
“Too long,” Jenny grumbled. “We have overshot our target escape point by approximately seventy four thousand, nine hundred ninety nine and one half miles. We are now deep within the earth’s molten core, perhaps too deep to ever see the light of day again.”
“Why don’t we just live here, and form our own underground society?” Esther suggested.
“Okay,” smiled Jenny. “I get to be the daddy!”
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Driddy continued hopping.
“Open that door!” his grandfather yelled. “Stop hopping! Open the door and stop hopping! Stop hopping and open the door! Open the door and open the door and stop hopping and open the door!” he yelled and yelled.
Driddy continued to hop.