Stay tuned

I am currently performing a wholesale revision of the site. I am taking some time off to do this. In the meantime, busy yourself with this shiny thing. Look at how it shines! It’s so shiny. Shine on, object of shine!

Street fairs

foldingsuplex: bob and i went to midsommarfest today. it was gay.
lucahack: was it gay?
foldingsuplex: it was f’n GAY
lucahack: I thought it was supposed to be scandinavian
foldingsuplex: yeah, i thought so too. but it turned out to be mostly gay dudes with their shirts off.
lucahack: I guess it turned out to be scandiGAYvian

Daily Hey Magic Number: 3

Sugar shock

lucahack: I am jumping out of my skin over here
IIIobservedIII: you need to think some happy thoughts dude
lucahack: . o O ( boobies )
IIIobservedIII: heeh – that looks nothing like boobies
lucahack: that’s “boobies” in a thought cloud
IIIobservedIII: hahah
IIIobservedIII: that’s funny
lucahack: I need to stop eating candy

Daily Hey Magic Number: 5

Music is inside us

foldingsuplex: i am thinking of investing in a usb-midi keyboard
lucahack: thinking of making the music?
lucahack: you got the music in you?
foldingsuplex: we shall see
foldingsuplex: i am thinking of making the noises
lucahack: I just made a noise right now if you get my drift
foldingsuplex: quality

Daily Hey Magic Number: 6


lucahack: the ending of Thelma & Louise makes no sense to me
lucahack: why wouldn’t they want to go to prison, where they could have all the lesbian sex they obviously want?
hmssucktoad: hmmm.
hmssucktoad: male chauvinist prison guards?
lucahack: there are female prison guards
hmssucktoad: right but the very chauvinist male guards would ruin all the fun…?
hmssucktoad: Isn’t Harvey Keitel around? I’d drive off a cliff.
lucahack: but Harvey Keitel is so non-threatening in this movie
hmssucktoad: Are you kidding? Every scene you just sit there, waiting for him to whip out his (contractual) penis.
lucahack: he’s just a teddy bear
lucahack: with a penis

Daily Hey Magic Number: 7


StoneCo1dCrazy: But I need nicotine!
lucahack: patches, baby
StoneCo1dCrazy: no, smokes!
lucahack: nicotine suppositories!
StoneCo1dCrazy: EEWWW!
lucahack: that would make it easy to quit
lucahack: or hard to quit
lucahack: depending on whether you like things up your ass
StoneCo1dCrazy: heh

Daily Hey Magic Number: 8

Special super sparkly

lucahack: not just choir. SHOWchoir.
IIIobservedIII: what is that, like, special super choir?
lucahack: it’s a choir that wears sparkly outfits and dances
IIIobservedIII: hehehe :-) :-) :-) :-)
IIIobservedIII: did you get to keep any of the sparkly outfits?
lucahack: we had to buy them
lucahack: so yes
IIIobservedIII: ooooh!!
IIIobservedIII: that’s awesome
IIIobservedIII: so, like, do you have a sparkly top hat?
lucahack: no top hats
IIIobservedIII: (sound of my heart breaking)

Daily Hey Magic Number: 9

The foe spiral

Samorama76: you need a life
lucahack: life is my enemy
lucahack: death is my buddy
lucahack: ah, sweet release
lucahack: I’m joking now, but I’ll step out of the building and get hit by a bus
lucahack: which will make it all doubly tragic
lucahack: fucking buses
lucahack: fucking Buseys
lucahack: fucking Shasta McNasty
Samorama76: well, that sucks!

Daily Hey Magic Number: 10

Vaguely creative and artistically unfocused balderdash.