
Today, as I sat in the cafeteria eating my lunch, which consisted of a turkey cobb salad wrap (sans bacon ? I’m trying to get healthy, don’t you know), I was overcome by the desire to blow my nose. In fact, it is not at all uncommon for me to desire to blow my nose whilst I am eating, and the slight cold I have had for the last few days simply made the condition more pronounced. I reached for one of the many extra napkins I had appropriated while in line for the cash register ? I am in the habit of obtaining extra napkins for exactly this purpose ? and proceeded to blow my nose into it. As I did so, a young man with long hair appeared in front of me, and asked for my attention.

It is not common for nasal discharge to make a noise on its own, after it has actually been blown out of the nasal passages, that is. As I looked up at the man, however, there was an audible snap as a clingy boogery mass reluctantly broke away from the inside of my right nostril and found a new home in the brown paper napkin. The young man stared at me briefly, blinked his eyes, and, smiling slightly, began his presentation.

The presentation consisted of him asking me whether I would be interested in viewing a trailer for a new Matthew Perry/Elizabeth Hurley (or was it Elizabeth Berkley?) movie and participating in valuable marketing research. But that part of the story is not very interesting. I just wanted to share the bit about the booger, and the young man’s impressive lack of reaction to it, despite having clearly seen it, and heard it, in all its boogery glory.

Because, you see, I am gross.

Pencil thin tie

It’s been a while since I posted a drawing for you folks, so I figured I’d dig around and find one. Unfortunately, my graphics tablet is on the fritz, and it’ll be a long time before I save up enough pennies to buy me one of these dealies. So I do not have anything inked and colored and cleaned up real nice. All I have for you is raw pencils. Consider this an “unplugged” version of one of my drawings, although it should be noted that the scanner was in fact plugged in, as is this very computer.

I call him Anton. Or possibly Chip.

See? I DO draw males!


Have you ever been in a situation where you really wanted to shout “GOD DAMN IT!” or “JESUS H. CHRIST!” but had to bite your tongue, because you were wary of sensitive religious folk around?

Here’s the solution to this persistent and annoying problem.

Damnburgers! and its sister phrase Jeezburgers! can be uttered anywhere at any time when the situation calls for it. Even the most pious religious types will have to applaud your ability to cleverly express your frustration or amazement without invoking the names of any deities or messianic beings.

Just send a check or money order for $29.95 to receive a free informational kit. Learn how YOU can work Damnburgers! and Jeezburgers! into your everyday conversation. Also, learn how you can open a lucrative Damnburgers fast food restaurant franchise!

Damnburgers! That Damnburgers! looks good on you!

Cat scratch boogie

Tonight, I have spent several hours watching MTV’s sister station. I refer to MTV2, the sister whose tits aren’t quite as big or perky but she more than makes up for them with style and class, as opposed to VH1, the older, fatter sister who sits around talking on the phone all day and whose friends speak in hushed tones of their worries that she will never marry.

This weekend, MTV2 has decided that it is going to show several hundred videos in the order of their beats per minute. This means that the songs start very slow, and at the end of the rotation, the songs are going very fast. They actually showed several songs per BPM count, with the count ticking up a notch every forty-five minutes or so. It was interesting to see the wide variety of songs that could be the same BPM: some hip-hop thing, some generic ’80s song, two Moby songs in a row! Just incredible. The tragedy here is that when they get around to the really fast songs, I will be at work and thus unable to engage in a dance marathon.

Which is not to say, of course, that I haven’t had my share of dance marathons recently. Just last night I experienced a fairly intense dance mania. It was non-MTV2 related, so I served as my own DJ, flipping back and forth between CDs as the urge struck me, dancing around to a song until it bored me and then switching to something else. Such events are not uncommon in my apartment, although this one was a bit longer than usual.

Generally speaking, the longer such a marathon goes, the more my cat becomes concerned for both my well-being and his own. His concern manifests itself in the form of loud mewling and impressive vertical leaps at my head. Unfortunately, last night, I decided to try to calm him down by picking him up and cradling him in my loving arms. In any other case his violent kitty emotions would have been soothed by such a measure, but you can see last night’s results for yourself:

like ow

I now have a big freaky scar on my arm. But these are the sacrifies one must make…

…in pursuit of the dance.

Bills on the liquor table

There’s bills on the liquor table, lord, lord.
There’s bills on the liquor table, lord.
Got bills, got booze, got piles, got stuff.
Got pains, got chores, got trash, got tough.

There’s bills on the liquor table, lord, lord.
There’s bills on the liquor table, lord.
Got angry meats and sharpened treats.
Got a coffee table with hairy feet.
Got shaky thighs and violent eyes.
Got wakefulness despite brightening skies.
Got a saddened couch with a weary back.
Got a screw, got a bolt, got a nail, got a nut, got a tack.

Excuse #15

I have spent the last several hours painstakingly restaging Christopher Walken’s choreography from Fatboy Slim’s “Weapon of Choice” video. I kept getting kicked out of the hotels!

Excuse #14

Because I appeared to be suffering from extreme dehydration, I stuck the garden hose in my mouth and guzzled water; so much so, in fact, that I inadvertently expanded my stomach to the point where my belly button popped right off and rolled down between the slats in the deck. I’ve been trying to fish it out for the last few hours, using a crude tool fashioned from a twig and freshly-chewed bubble gum.

A flame that burns within ya

It’s peculiar, this old life.

A few years back, when I was more musically active and constantly whistling promising new melodies into my tape recorder, I stumbled across a series of notes which I was sure I had heard before. This, of course, is not uncommon for a songwriter, because you are subjected to any number of outside influences seeping into your subconscious mind. As a youngster, I wrote a song that I later discovered copied Joe Jackson’s song “Got the Time” note-for-note, and certainly I never sat down and listened to that record before I wrote the song. At most, perhaps I heard it on a mix tape in a friend’s car on the way to school in the morning, or conceivably the cover version by Anthrax. I may have heard my metalhead junior high friends singing it amongst themselves. Not until my older brother sent me a copy of the song on a tape just a couple years ago did I realize how close a match the song was. In melody and rhythm, not quality, of course.

This time around, I found the series of notes bouncing around inside my brain. I thought long and hard and although they sounded familiar, I could not place them into the context of an entire song. I figured that the tune was from a trumpet warm-up book that I used in band class in junior high, and so resigned myself to not being able to think of the song that the tune was from.

A couple nights ago, however, the song revealed itself, on, strangely enough, the HBO series “Real Sex”. There was a segment detailing some town or other that had passed an ordinance barring nudity from non-theatrical performances, and a savvy strip club’s way around that rule by putting on performances of Shakespeare in the nude. I wasn’t watching too closely, because as a wholesome, clean-cut Christian with upstanding Christian morals and a cutting Christian wit, I’m not really into that type of thing, but suddenly I took notice of a song playing non-diagetically within the segment. It was THAT song!

And what was the song? “Freedom” from the musical Shenandoah. “Freedom ain’t a state like Maine or Virginia, freedom ain’t across some county line. Freedom is a flame that burns within ya, freedom is a state of mind!” The bit I remembered was only a small part of it, and over the years I had embellished it in my brain, adding rhythmic variations and intertwining harmonies, but it was no doubt THAT song. The question remained: why the hell did I know THAT song?

There are two possible answers: either I sang it in fourth grade chorus, or my younger brother sang it in fourth grade chorus. For some reason I have a better memory of the songs my younger brother sang in fourth grade chorus, including “One” from A Chorus Line, “What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor?”, “Where Is Home?”, and, of course, “We, the Children of America” (for which the sixth grade band provided musical accompaniment).

Don’t look at me like that.

The Lucubus Forum: take the time.

Hi, everyone! Lucas here. You know, the guy who keeps posting all the excuses?

Well, I don’t have an excuse tonight. What I want tonight is to know whether you’ve posted to my forum lately. For most of you, the answer is surely: “No, Lucas. I have not posted to your forum lately. Neither have I ever at any point posted to your forum. So why should I start now?”

You’d have to be dancing around naked in a thunderstorm, wearing a blindfold, cupping your hands over your ears and yelling “LA LA LA LA LA” not to notice that this is a very exciting time for the Internet. The Lucubus Forum, as a bonafide component of the Internet, is, as well, an exciting place to be. Why, just the other day a girl posted who had links to naked photographs of herself. As a wholesome, clean-cut Christian with nice Christian values and a sharp Christian haircut, I can’t say I condone such behavior, but I’ll be danged if it isn’t exciting.

Also, if you haven’t been visiting my forum, you’ve missed out on my in-depth Survivor: Marquesas play-by-play. You’ve been missing out on Natalie Portman running around with guns, Billy Campbell and Bruce Campbell duking it out, and Jim Ellwanger’s soon-to-be-legendary “Ask a Closed Captioner”!

So what the fuck are you waiting for, you stupid piece of shit? Create a new account and start posting in my forum!

Vaguely creative and artistically unfocused balderdash.