Beware the ides of March!

Holy shit! It’s the ides of March! I wasn’t paying attention! Suddenly, it’s the ides of March! What the hell am I going to do now?

I’ve got to go to the grocery store, get some canned goods! I’ve got to go to the hardware store and buy some crossbow bolts! And a crossbow! Fuck fuck fuck! I need to withdraw all my money from my bank account and bury it in a metal box in the backyard! Shit! I don’t have a metal box OR a backyard!

It’s too late anyway. I can’t go out now! The roads are clogged with traffic! And through my window I can hear the blood-curdled screams of a thousand people! I should not have waited so long! It’s too late now… it’s over… it’s over…

Damn you, ides of March!

Britney: urine trouble

This can’t possibly be true.

purportedly Britney purportedly damp with purported buckets of urinePop queen Britney Spears fled for cover after having urine thrown at her as she filmed a TV ad. The star was bombed with buckets of urine by angry neighbours as she sang on location in the early hours of the morning, according to the News of the World.

Buckets? Of urine?

How many of these neighbors were working together? Even if I got everyone in my building together to pee into a bucket, the likelihood of that bucket being full would be small. The likelihood of a second bucket even being necessary would be slim to none. Granted, this took place in Los Angeles, and they certainly are fond of their mineral water over there. And I suppose it all depends on the size of the bucket.

Actually, now that I think about it, not only is this story completely plausible, it is almost exceedingly likely to be true. My amazement, I guess, is that the neighbors were able to set aside their potential differences and come together in a unified, urinating front.

In fact, I think I would like to live in such a neighborhood.

Hit it, Maestro

Closet musicalist, criminal mastermind and US Vice President Dick “The Chain” Cheney conducts the US Armed Forces Men’s A Cappella Chorus (informally known as the Hat And Brim Club) in the third movement of “My Evilness Is Conspicuously Vile” — a four hour epic choral symphony composed by Cheney himself, in what he says was a post-coronary artistic epiphany.

No sweat, preferably

Yesterday I finally came to terms with the fact that I am a great big tub of lard.

In the last few months, I have gained approximately twenty pounds. More importantly, however, every pair of jeans I own will no longer fit me if I do the top button on the fly. Well, technically they can fit me if I do the top button, but it is incredibly uncomfortable and also it creates an unsightly yet vaguely humorous spillage of belly flesh over the waist. Unpretty! And I can’t help but notice how *solid* my fattiness is. It is not at all as squishy and malleable as television and movies led me to believe it would be. It’s *heavy*. I guess that could be why heavy folks are heavy.

As I am far too cheap to simply accept myself the way I am and buy some new trousers, and because walking around with my jeans unbuttoned at the top seems undignified at best, I have decided that I am going to dedicate some of my free time to taking an inch or two off my abdominal region. In service of this I have gotten my “ab-slide” contraption out of mothballs and have begun intensive daily workouts. This work I do on the “ab-slide”, however, may be cancelled out by the fact that working out on it renders me unable to move for several days, leaving me stranded on the couch with a bag of chips and the remote control. I have also started doing a daily regimen of push-ups and sit-ups, which, again, leave me unable to move. The sit-ups are probably redundant anyway, as I think the “ab-slide” contraption is meant to replace them. Lord knows it’s easier on the back. Oh, if only someone would invent some sort of padded mat which will allow one to exercise unhandicapped by painfully solid hardwood floors!

Another step I have taken towards reducing my waist size is the complete elimination of food from my diet. I’m not quite there yet, however. Yesterday after work I went to the local chain supermarket with the full intention for buying food for me and for my household. However, I thought, “A-ha! I’m going on a diet! No more food for me!” So, instead of food, I bought liquor. No beer, though – certainly beer won’t make my waist any smaller. No, I bought a bottle of scotch and a bottle of sweet vermouth. For dinner I ended up making myself a double Manhattan. I can already feel the flab melting away. I feel *something* melting away, at any rate.

Finally, as a last resort, I have begun corset training. The gals at the workshop think that I can have a fifteen-inch waist by June if I keep at it!

Retraction of Bah!

Blogger is by no means an ass butt. Neither is it perfect, but nevertheless, I was somehow able to fix my problem via the tedious process of manually changing information. This may sound bad, but I actually have quite a high threshold for tedium, and so I was able to do it without going insane.

While I was fixing up the date/time problems with my earlier posts, I decided that, since I am now a subscriber to Blogger Pro™ and can perform such operations, I would go in and convert all my pre-Blogger Daily Heys to Blogger format, so that they could be accessed via the archives just like every other damn Daily Hey I’ve ever written. Not that I did much writing on the old ones. Back then, a Daily Hey consisted of a single picture with a snappy line of text underneath, and an additional snappy mouseover caption. But the result of adding these is that my archives now stretch back to February 2000, over two years ago, which seems unreal to me for some reason.

Of course, much of the material on my satellite pages – Drawing Is Fun, Scrivenings, The Juke-U-Bus, and OneMegPlus Theatre – is well over four or five years old by now, and has been on the web far longer than any Daily Hey material. It’s looking less and less likely that I’ll ever update the latter three of these, although I’ve always intended to.

I registered the domain back in 1998, and since then the page has had approximately five different incarnations, of which the present one is by far the most successful. I say approximately because the third design had a number of variations. But overall, the transformation of the site into what it is today has been fairly organic; that is to say, as things have become trendy on the web, I have seen them and said, “Ooh! I want to put that on my page!”, and stole ideas left and right. Stealing is organic, isn’t it?

Hey, there’s nothing classier than a webmaster talking about the history of his “domain”. But I never claimed to be better than anybody. Just prettier.


Blogger is being an ass butt.

In order to make things a bit more efficient, I renamed all my image files and edited their links in all my previous posts to accomodate the new names. I appear to have been successful in this endeavor, but one result is that due to some unfortunate glitch in Blogger, many of my past articles have been moved several hours into the future from when they were first posted. For example, an article posted on 11/10/2000 at 10:34 PM now shows as having been posted on 11/11/2000 at 12:34 AM, which is, of course, a total lie.

In many cases, this change is not significant. However, occasionally it results in funny contradictions, such as me saying “it is the morning” and it being 4 PM, or saying “it is New Year’s Day” and it being January 2. This is exactly the type of tiny little inconsistency that drives me completely insane, and so I have been trying for hours to fix it, without success. I have a line in to the tech folks, and for now I am going to just let it be. However, if you are perusing my archives (and by all means you should – why, check out the links to each month of archives, now available on the main page, beneath my webcam image!), and you come across one of these inconsistencies, do your best to sorta kinda read around it.

Also, let me know via the email form at the bottom of the page if you spot any broken links, to images or otherwise. And check out my updated links page.

Thanks for reading!

Ashcroft? Shatner?

Oh, this is too much. This is just too much.

The Brits are reporting that “since John Ashcroft became US attorney general last year, workers at the department of justice have become accustomed to his daily prayer meetings, but some are now drawing the line at having to sing patriotic songs penned by their idiosyncratic boss.”

Unlike Shatner, at least John Ashcroft butchers his own material, instead of John Lennon’s. What really got me was not the song itself, which was too boring to even follow, but his lectern grabbing, hand clasping, three-points-of-the-audience hitting style. Straight out of Public Speaking 101.

Give me Bono at the Superbowl any day.

Rambis? Ryder?

Recently I was informed that I resemble legendary basketball player and hothead Kurt Rambis.

shootin' some b-ball outside after school
Hmm… don’t really see it, myself.

Some time ago I was told that I bear an uncanny resemblance to Winona Ryder.

I am a fresh-faced young shoplifter
Now THAT’S more like it!


I am sick today

This morning, I coughed up three small children.

If anyone has any need of me today, I will be lying on the couch, trying to find the words that will properly poeticize the feeling of some unknown-but-high quantity of post-nasal sludge oozing slowly down the lining of my throat. In addition, I may be conducting some experiments concerning chewing gum vis-à­¶is sneezing forcefully.

It’s a beautiful world; I’m just living in it.

I can’t feel my toeses

After a relatively mild winter, Chicago has suddenly grown very cold. This is due to a meterological event known as COLDSNAP! in which friendly tropical breezes are pushed away in a swift and violent strike by nasty arctic gales, which proceed to move in as squatters on the land previously occupied by warm air. To analogize in human terms, imagine hundreds upon thousands of thuggish, brutal Canadians marching down from Ontario City or wherever and booting hundreds upon thousands of friendly, naturalized Mexican-Americans out of their homes, claiming them as their own. Horrible, isn’t it? And this happens every year, and often multiple times – COLDSNAP! does not discriminate among the various factors which can cause it to occur.

So now the Mexicans have caught the bus to the border, and the Canadians have come in droves, putting vinegar on their french fries and saying “eh” a lot. Some of them are speaking with French accents. French accents! What can a Chicago girl do to stay warm?

First, and this is very important, avoid sleeping outdoors. In the summertime you may see a homeless man sleeping in the park and think his lifestyle is glamorous or romantic. In the winter, it becomes clear that the man sleeping in the park is a frozen corpse! Remember: camping is for the summertime. COLDSNAP! doesn’t care if you and your family of four planned otherwise.

Second, try staying indoors whenever possible. This may not be feasible if you have a job or a social life, but if you’re sad and lonely like the rest of us, staying out of the cold winter air is the best way to avoid COLDSNAP!‘s icy death grip. If your building lacks doors, speak to your landlord; or, if you’re a homeowner, go to your local hardware store’s website and rush order one door, ASAP!

Third, artificial heating may be necessary. This may entail turning on your furnace or radiator, starting a fire in your carefully designated fireplace, or sharing a large fur coat with a naked companion of your choice. Remember, you’ve got to generate heat! Heat is COLDSNAP!‘s only known foe.

If you follow these instructions and more, you can be assured of a winter safe from COLDSNAP!‘s clutches. But don’t take my word for it – Bill O’Reilly, host of Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor”, had this to say:

America's sweetheart
“I lost both of my feet and most of my left hand to COLDSNAP! Follow this advice and maybe – just maybe – it won’t also happen to you! Ouch!”

Blog blockage

Some of the more astute amongst you may have noticed that I have not posted much in the previous week. Likely my regular readers, all five or six of you, have theorized that I have been taking a short break, or simply haven’t had time to write anything down, what with my recent hectic schedule.

I assure everyone that neither of these things are the case. The truth is that every night I sit down to write and can’t think of a blessed thing. I try to come up with a topic, an angle. It’s not that my mind goes blank, it’s just that I start to conceive things that I have already written.

I’ve been doing this blog thing for about a year and a half now, and in that time I think I’ve covered pretty much everything there is to possibly talk about. I have taken on politics with my uncanny predictions for the first few years of the Bush presidency. I’ve tackled the heartbreak of masculinity with two articles on facial hair, with myself as the subject. I have discussed the various positives and negatives of such famous festivals as Mardi Gras. I’ve offered up serious literary criticism. I’ve covered the sensitive issue of race on at least two different occasions. I’ve supplied my readership with sensitive fiction. I have skewered society’s adoration of reality television. I’ve given my take on that age-old macguffin, religion. I’ve told amusing personal anecdotes. Why, I even added Vince to the Lucubus team to stir things up.

The boys in BNL said it best: it’s all been done. The Lucubus has, as they say in the industry, “jumped the shark“. Oh, I’m sure I’ll keep plugging away, trying to come up with a clever phrase that I have not typed, or a mundane event in my life that I have not added a fancy fake surreal twist to, or an acquaintance whom I have not posted a picture of, or a link to some other more interesting site I have not yet advertised; but from here on out, I make no guarantees.

The Lucubus: it’s all downhill from here.

Intelligence: affirmed

I took the GRE early yesterday morning. Strangely enough, the test center was downtown, about two buildings away from where I served jury duty about a month ago. But this time, I would be doing no judging. Indeed, it was *I* who would be judged.

I entered the building, and the attendant in the lobby told me I was required to check in. I signed my name to the log in the appropriate place. “You may proceed,” announced the attendant. Behind him, vast sliding doors opened, and I stepped onto a large platform which began to rise as soon as I stepped inside.

After a few seconds of upwards inertia, I stepped out into a rectangular white room filled with people from all walks of life. I stepped over to the receptionist, an attractive Latina wearing a red polyester space suit with a butterfly collar.

“I am here for the GRE,” I said.

“Excellent,” she replied.

She handed me a clipboard with a form which I was to complete, to verify that I would be the one taking the test, and not some partner-in-crime masquerading as me. To this end, there were blanks on the form in which I was to include my date of birth, my social security number, my thumbprint, blood and urine samples, and the cup size of the first girl I ever kissed.

Eventually, I finished filling out the exhausting forms, and returned them to the receptionist, whose suit was unzipped to a few inches lower than where it had been previously. Catching me eyeing her, she said defensively, “This material doesn’t breathe.”

I returned to a seat alongside all the other people who were there for testing. I learned by overhearing various conversations that the GRE was far from the only test being offered that day. This was verified by the fact that one by one, various official-looking people in red polyester space suits identical to the receptionist’s came out and called people’s names. The people were to get up, put their things into lockers, and follow the official-looking person down the hallway into a room containing lord knows what.

Finally, my name was called along with those in the last group. I was instructed to remove my wallet, watch, keys, and belly chain and put them into a locker. There were about five of us in the group, and we were led down the hall into a large metal chamber, which appeared to be some sort of airlock or decontamination room. Along one wall hung five silver jumpsuits. Suddenly, we heard a voice over a loudspeaker. It was that of the official who had led us down the hall, who, we realized, was not alongside us in the chamber. “Please remove all of your clothing and put on the test-taking apparel,” the official said. “Remember, every move you make is being recorded, so we will know if you leave on your underwear.”

The five of us stood there, briefly wondering for a moment if there would be any separate-gender locker rooms available. But no, it was intended that we would change together. “The GRE is not a time to be bashful,” we reasoned, as we doffed our casual attire and donned the futuristic testing garb, which, as it happens, was made by FUBU. “Nice tattoo,” whispered the cute brunette who changed near me, obviously referring to the stylized Bronson Pinchot head on my left buttock. I nodded in acknowledgement of her remark. It occurred to me later that she may have been flirting with me, but at the time I was too nervous about the test.

Finally, clad in our silver jumpsuits, we were led into a room with five computers. We each took a seat at the computers and for the next four hours were subjected to several series of questions dealing with matters verbal, quantitative, and analytical. After I completed the battery of questions, my final results were displayed, and a broad grin crept across my face.

That which I had questioned had now been proven: I am smarter than you.

Vaguely creative and artistically unfocused balderdash.