Machines and their uses

IIIobservedIII: how’s classes?
lucahack: eh, all right
lucahack: I have foamcore in my headcore
IIIobservedIII: heheheeh
lucahack: I was up all Thursday night making a model
lucahack: whenever I’m up all night Thursday I always start to fall asleep during Friday’s shop class
IIIobservedIII: that sounds dangerous
lucahack: not really, but I missed out on a very interesting demonstration of the metal lathe
IIIobservedIII: metal lathe??
IIIobservedIII: what are you using a metal lathe for?
lucahack: lathing metal
IIIobservedIII: i knew you were gonna answer that

Daily Hey Magic Number: 30

Clutch versus toe

Chelsea B.: the camel clutch?
Chelsea B.: what the fuck?
lucahack: that’s the name of the apartment
Chelsea B.: shut up
Chelsea B.: come on
lucahack: it’s true
Chelsea B.: i’m not putting that on the card
Chelsea B.: it sounds dirty
lucahack: you’re thinking of “camel toe”
Chelsea B.: i know, but that phrase ruins camel altogether
Chelsea B.: ‘camel’
Chelsea B.: is ruined for me.
Chelsea B.: because of camel toe
lucahack: there’s nothing wrong with camel toe
Chelsea B.: uh, yes there is!
lucahack: oh, don’t be ridiculous
lucahack: camel toe is harmless
Chelsea B.: it’s no good.
Chelsea B.: it’s no good.
lucahack: it’s tremendous fun
Chelsea B.: it’s a tremendous disaster
lucahack: have you had a bad experience with camel toe?
Chelsea B.: everybody has.
Chelsea B.: it IS a bad experience
Chelsea B.: whatever. i’m not writing that camel BIZNIZ on the card.
Chelsea B.: forget that.
lucahack: that’s your perogative
Chelsea B.: yes. i win.
lucahack: you win nothing
Chelsea B.: i win everything

Daily Hey Magic Number: 43

Party time ago

lucahack: party at my house tonight! w000t!
IIIobservedIII: what are you doing online, NERD???
lucahack: still an hour till it starts
IIIobservedIII: oooh okay then
lucahack: I don’t think many people from school are coming
lucahack: they partied too hard last night or something
IIIobservedIII: that sucks d00d
lucahack: I wanted them to look at all my stuff
lucahack: and grit their dirty jerk teeth with envy
lucahack: maybe I smell or something
lucahack: mmm… I do smell…
lucahack: like lavender vanilla.

Daily Hey Magic Number: 44

Photo magic

This past semester at the Institute of Design, I was enrolled in a photography class. The photos preceding this post over the last couple days were taken by me for the class, and are included among the digital portfolio of pictures I turned in for the class final.

I got a B in the class, so apply that to your viewing of these photographs however you wish.

Daily Hey Magic Number: 46

Vaguely creative and artistically unfocused balderdash.