Excuse #10

I had intended to write an essay on reactions to the Middle East conflict vis-à-vis the divisive American political system, but I realized that I had no time tonight to do proper research to avoid turning it into the same type of knee-jerk partisan reactionism that I was going to complain about.

Excuse #9

Terrorists are plotting to assassinate a presidential candidate; my wife and daughter have been targeted; and people I work with may be involved in both. I’m federal agent Jack Bauer, and today is the longest day of my life.

Ma’s day

lookit that crazy car, man, it looks like some kinda crazy rocketship

Happy Mothers’ Day, Ma! I thought I would embarrass you by publishing this really cool photo taken of (from left to right) you and Aunt Hedy back in the 1950s when y’all were just skinny kids! Before you get upset, let me ask you: I don’t have a funny old picture of Pa to put up on Fathers’ Day. Can you send me that one of him sitting on the toilet with lipstick all over his face? (His teenage years must have taken their toll!)

Vaguely creative and artistically unfocused balderdash.