Long ago in south Peru
There was a man who liked to poo,
And so he’d eat and eat and poo
And drink and eat and pee and poo.
One day, this man he saw a log
And in its hollow was a frog
And so the man thought “My O Me!
A lovely log this frog would be!”
And so the man who liked to poo
Took home the frog and made some stew
And though he tried to cook it through
It still was very hard to chew
So he had milk to wash it down
And went to meet his girl in town.
She said, “You don’t look so good.”
And he said, “Do you think I should?”
And she said, “Well, I’d think you could.
If not for me, you never would.”
Then he felt pain between his hips
And then a smile across his lips
And said, “I’m glad that I’m your man.
Excuse me while I hit the can,”
And went there in a happy way
‘Cause it’s his favorite time of day
And so he sat and had a dump
And heard a noise that made him jump
And it was like a little swish.
He looked down and saw little fish!
Then thought, “Not fish, but poliwogs.
I’ve given birth to baby frogs!”
And so he ran to get his girl
And had her bring along her squirrel
And showed the tadpoles to them both.
They all agreed that they were loath
To flush them down the toilet bowl,
For even tadpoles have a soul,
So then he caught them with a net
And dried them off ’cause they were wet
And put them in a bassinet
And said, “You’re Chuck, and you are Chet.”
And so, the man he wed the girl
(The maid of honor was the squirrel)
And raised the tadpoles as his sons.
And now he only gets the runs.
On the train today, a fiftyish gentleman dressed in striped shorts and a loose fitting tanktop entered my car. The tanktop was loose enough that it was all bunched up in front, leaving one of his nipples exposed. He was not a chubby man, but he was just flabby enough to give his breast a feminine appearance. He sat there, oblivious of his dangling man-boob. He got off at the very next station, approximately five blocks north of the station at which he entered. As he stepped off the train I noticed he was wearing sandals and red socks.
Last night I watched the movie “Hardcore” on a cable channel. “Hardcore” is the story of a man’s quest to find his daughter, who has disappeared into the seedy SoCal world of strip clubs and porno movies. I watched it with some nostalgia, because, if my memory is accurate, “Hardcore” was the first nudity-laden movie I ever saw. Of course, back then (maybe seventh grade?), I could only barely understand the plot, and most of the innuendo went over my head. Last night I noticed that sure, there was lots of nudity, but none of it was glamorous. It was all very seedy and stark and absolutely unerotic – no doubt the filmmaker’s attempts to recreate faithfully that world. But my memories of it as tittilating erotica were undercut even more by the now-noticed presence of three established actors: George C. Scott, in the starring role as the man looking for his daughter; Dick Sargent; and Peter Boyle. PETER FUCKING BOYLE is tied to my first taboo-movie-watching experience. It’s no wonder I’m sort of screwed up. Thank god I saw “Hardbodies” not too long after, or else I’d be scarred for life.
Some of you may have noticed that the posts here, while occurring with greater frequency than in the past, have gone slightly downhill in quality. This is because the *quality* posts will continue to appear at a normal rate, and everything else is just filler so that I can justify referring to this as a daily weblog. So this is filler. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And for some reason I just typed all those out instead of just cutting and pasting them.
I am ill
There is no other explanation.
Why else would I be weepy after watching the movie “High Fidelity”? The film does not have a sad ending. The main character is a music snob, and I don’t think that I share that characteristic, but otherwise it is a movie which makes me teary in a manly way. I blame the soundtrack; it’s very manipulative. Also I blame the gin.
I believe when I fall in love with you it will be forever…
I believe when I fall in love with you it will be forever…
I believe when I fall in love with you it will be forever…
[ad infinitum]
In which the author reveals other talents
It occurs to me that I have never plugged this site, one which I spent a good three months helping out on:
It’s all about the Haymarket bombing that took place in Chicago in the 1880s, which led to the trial and execution of several men whose only evident criminal behavior included being of an anarcho-socialist philosophy. It’s a very compelling read, and while I cannot take credit for any of the text that appears, I did ensure that many of the images were the proper size and resolution. Well, somebody has to do it. So if you were wondering what I was doing from January through March in 2000, now you know.
And also, just because it ranked high on the list when I searched my own name through Google, a review of the above site.
Also, I apparently ran for Hamilton Alderman Ward Four in Hancock County and lost.
um hey
It’s the little things that aren’t big
Recently I have been noticing, more than usual, the little things.
For example, this morning I was drinking a bottle of iced tea. When it was down to about a third full, I took it up to the drinking fountain and filled it up with water. Just shake it, and it’s a full bottle of iced tea! Just like Mom used to make.
A few hours later, on my break, I sat down with a small carton of chocolate milk, and as I drank it, I could feel the cold liquid against my internal organs as it ran down through my esophagus. Heebie-jeebies!
This afternoon, I checked some books out to a man who then put his library card back in his wallet. He then went to put his wallet in his hip pocket, but he somehow missed and sent the wallet flying several feet to his left. Somehow my mind added a slide whistle sound effect as it happened. Zweeooweep! I laughed so abruptly that I shot a snot onto my shirt.
It’s the little things that aren’t big.
Chicago is lovely in the summertime. Just walking down the street, feeling the sun’s warm rays on my face, the slightly humid wind on my skin, makes me wish I lived someplace where the weather was like this all the time. But the city itself is something to see also… flowers, sprinklers everywhere, birds chirping, teenagers running around screaming monosyllabic nonsense… there is nothing quite like it. Pick a day this summer and, with a friend, go wade hip-deep in Lake Michigan, fully clothed. Then get yelled at by the lifeguard in the rowboat for not wading close enough to the rowboat. There is nothing quite like it.
News and notes
Well, not really. I just ate some cold spaghetti and a pineapple coconut ice cream cone. Life is pretty sweet. I have been working on a new site layout. The problem with thinking of a new layout is that I’m not sure which elements, if any, that I would like to keep from the previous layout. One certain change is that this blog will be appearing on the front page, so typing “lucubus.com” will lead you straight to it, without having to type out “/thedailyhey”. It’s a fairly conventional thing, the blog-on-the-front-page, but it is a thing that makes sense, and a thing that will help reduce site-bloat. I will still be calling this The Daily Hey, despite claims from myself and others that it is not particularly daily. I have to say that it has been so long since I have done any designing that I am basically having to re-learn how to do it. But look for The Lucubus, Version 5.0 before summer is out.
Also on the horizon: I’m working on my first full-length comic book. The working title is THE INADEQUATES, and as it is planned as a 24-page story I have no idea when it will be finished, let alone when I will let anyone look at it. But it will be full of everything you have come to expect from me: drawings of pretty girls, and oodles of unfunny comedy and hilarious serious bits. Sneak peeks will be given as they become available. We shall see!
One more thing – in an effort to make myself look more ridiculous and less attractive to women I have started to grow a moustache. Actually, I have good reasons for doing so: the hair above my upper lip doesn’t itch, unlike the hair under my chin; every time I shave above my upper lip, I cut myself in six places and bleed profusely and have a scab moustache the next day; and there’s a slim chance I’ll end out looking like the dread pirate Wesley from “The Princess Bride”, and he was drop dead handsome.
Till later, sweet potater –
Creeping goose bumps across my shins and thighs were far more responsible than the chilly evening air for keeping me cognizant of the dropping temperature, and that I was naked, and that I could not keep up my current pace for much longer without proper provisions. Rocky territory is terribly strenuous to navigate in bare feet, and it certainly did not aid my traversal that the heavy rains from the afternoon had made the terrain surprisingly slick. Consequently, the bruises on my backside, arms, and legs from the spills I had taken seemed to reproduce as if a yellow mold were growing just beneath my skin and eating down into the meat of my body. However, I had soon grown numb to the pain of those bruises, the moisture of the rocks, and the chill of the air; and the tingling sensation of the goose bumps was the only physical sensation that my precocious nervous system would allow my brain to recognize, lest I collapse in agony.
It had been exactly six hours since I purloined a hammer and hacksaw from an unsuspecting workman and made good my escape from the laboratories. He would soon awaken from the punch in the back of the head that felled him and turned purple the back of my left hand. No matter. He would have no visual memory of the incident, only a soreness and a ghost voice in his mind, quietly saying, ?Forgive me, friend.?
It was ten past ten, but obviously I could not know it at the time. All I knew was that the darkness gave me adequate cover. Lieutenant Dallas and his men were sure to be scouring the outlying area for any sign of my presence; fortunately, I was able to slip in and out of shadows, staying on hard terrain to avoid making tracks, lying belly down in fields of tall grass when exhaustion took its toll. I was as yet unsure of my destination, but I embraced a vague sense of direction, an instinct as to the next leg of my quest.
Sounds in the background: dogs barking, gunshots. I whirled around to discover that not half a mile away there was a spectacular array of spotlights, dancing about on the ground, in the sky, and against the tall cliff that I had so treacherously descended a short time beforehand. I began to theorize the origins of the sounds: the dogs have picked up my trail, they might bark. Why the gunshots? Have they made visual contact? I was not standing in a light, there was no way I could have been seen. Perhaps the gunshots were fired in an effort to silence the poor dogs.
Imagination running away and anger building, I hastened my pace. Civilization must not be far, I thought. Still, I did not know what in particular I was looking to find. A McDonald?s? A convenience store? Certainly I would be arrested on sight when I appeared, nude as I was, under a bright neon light. My exposure to civilization was so limited ? I was unsure how to rectify my problem. Clothing stores, but I had no money, and they were closed, perhaps. Mugging a person on the street had little appeal. I could check into a hospital? certainly, with my injuries, I would not be turned away, despite my lack of coverage.
To be continued?
I’m so pretty
Aren’t I?

I am.
Those lying bastards
So it appears that I posted two messages at exactly the same time, both of which register at 12:01 AM on 7/9/01. The funny part is not that two were posted at the same time, it’s that THEY WERE POSTED AT 11:50 PM ON 7/8/01. This time delay thing is really going to put a serious cramp in my style. This menstruation thing is going to put a serious cramp in my abdomen.
What do you do?
It was late last night, probably two in the morning, and I was headed to my van for to drive out for to socialize, the standard of practice for happening bachelors and critters of the night like myself. However, a young black woman, thin, not unattractive, possibly thirty, approached me and roused me from my self-amused stupor. It took me a while to figure out what it was she wanted. I live in the type of neighborhood where accosting strangers for money/cigarettes/the time is not an infrequent practice, so it took me a second to register that she was saying something different. The key words were “bleeding” and “hospital”. She slowed down enough for me to understand the whole story: she was three months into an at-risk pregnancy, she found herself bleeding, she needed a ride to the hospital or money for a cab RIGHT AWAY.
It was the “money for a cab” bit that made me think she was lying. I thought I’d call her bluff and offer her a ride to the hospital. I asked her what hospital her doctor was at, and she gave the name of a hospital down on the south side. A lengthy drive, to be sure. Not really convenient for someone who lives in Rogers Park, but you never know who needs to go where due to all this HMO nonsense. So the ride was out.
She started giving me all sorts of contact information – home phone, work phone, addresses, her doctor’s name – I got a pad of paper out of my bag and she scrawled all these things onto it. This made me think her problem was genuine, so I gave her some money for a cab. It wasn’t enough, she said, so I gave her a little bit more. I offered to give her a lift to a cab-filled street nearby, but she said she’d better run home and call a cab. I wished her luck, and she hugged me and thanked me for “not being prejudiced”.
Am I prejudiced?
I was not alone on the street that night; despite the late hour, all manner of folk were still milling about – why would she come to me, in particular? Do my white skin and boyish, non-macho gait paint me as an easy rube? Or did she simply think I would be the most likely passerby to be compassionate and help her? Does being suspicious of her story make me a racist? If a white woman came up and told the same story, would I be more likely to believe her with fewer questions? I honestly don’t know. Then again, it’s not as if I were not easily convinced – convinced, at least, to err on the side of caution. If she’s lying, what do I lose? A few bucks. A few hours’ worth of pay. If she’s telling the truth, I don’t want to stand between her and medical attention.
Was I taken advantage of? Did I do the right thing? In a few days, I’ll try to contact her – she said she would pay me back, should I demand this of her? Or would it de-value my act of charity, if it can even be considered that?
I’m drinking a White Russian right now. I dislike Black Russians. Does that mean anything? Yes – it means I adore delicious cream.
Indemependence Day
Ah, the fourth of July. It’s that time of the year when we have barbecues, light things on fire, blow stuff up, and tell our British friends to GET THE FUCK OUT. If you know anyone who’s British, and living in America, you be sure to tell ‘em we don’t need ‘em and we don’t want ‘em. Tossers, all.
Last night I hiked over to the beach. I live two blocks away from Lake Michigan, and I work even nearer to the lake than that, but I visit the shore infrequently. It’s mostly become part of the scenery. But hearing various pops and explosions last night that did not sound like the usual .22 caliber gunshots, I decided to turn off my television, which had been tuned to the live downtown fireworks display on the local FOX affiliate, and venture out. As I neared the beach two teenagers blasted past me on their bikes, nearly running me over. They were screaming at the top of their lungs. The first one was yelling, “HAR! HAR! HAR! HAR!” The second was yelling, “Buh-BUH! Buh-BUH!” Kids today. Heh. After emerging from my temporary hiding spot, I wandered out to the middle of the beach. Right overhead some half-assed fireworks fizzled and pooped out. The crowds were clumped at the south end of the beach, along the pier. To the south I could see the fireworks downtown, illuminating the nearby buildings. They were small in the distance, and I couldn’t hear them, but they were clearly visible. To the north there were more fireworks going, not quite as far away, and slightly audible. I stood there in a large open area in the middle of the beach, facing the lake, turning my head to the left and to the right to look at the two displays. The display to the north lit up the clouds around it, revealing the walls of the sky. The half-assed fireworks launched from my own beach gave way to the three-quarters-assed variety, and soon I was looking at pyrotechnics occurring at three distinct locations. It was so quiet that as I turned my head about, I could hear the fluid inside my skull rush around. The whole experience was quite meditative.
Tonight I hosted a barbecue. At no time did I hear the fluid rushing around in my head, but I heard teenagers outside (possibly the ones from earlier) lighting what was apparently a thirty pound package of firecrackers all at once. I predict that there will be more pops and explosions before I go to bed tonight, and not just because my face broke out earlier. Which it did. Pop-POP!
Uh oh
It looks like the folks who run Blogger are being evicted from their offices, and they’re selling off a bunch of their crap. I wonder if that means their service will no longer be available. Maaaaan, I’m too lazy to write the code myself! I have been redesigning my page over the last few weeks, and the blog is an integral part of the new design. Well, there’s probably another site out there I can steal bandwidth from.
I just saw a commercial for a Dale Earnhardt clock. Every hour on the hour a little car races around the outside of it and a little speaker announces, “And the winner is… Dale Earnhardt!” Is it possible that Dale Earnhardt put in his will that something like this should be manufactured upon his death? Unless his actual statement was, “If you have to make a Dale Earnhardt clock with a little car that races around the outside every hour on the hour and a little speaker that announces, ‘And the winner is… Dale Earnhardt!’ please do me a favor and wait until I’m dead, or at the very least, kill me first,’ it’s not bloody likely. Also peculiar is that the announcer for the commercial says the clock is dedicated to the memory of “the immortal Dale Earnhardt”. Well, clearly he’s not immortal, or he would be alive today. I suppose it’s possible he has returned to Asgard or Olympus or New Genesis or wherever the particular race of gods to which he belongs is based. Er, no pun intended. Come to think of it, maybe he is immortal now that he’s dead. Once you’re dead, you can’t die – am I right, people? I’m not talking about “oh well he still lives on in our hearts and minds and memories”, I just mean that once one is in a state of death, the act of dying is impossible, for one must be alive to die. Unless one is undead, which is arguably the same as alive to those of us who watch Angel and sigh over hunky David Boreanaz. But I don’t think Dale Earnhardt is a vampire. Vampires generally stay out of the racing industry.
Speaking of death, now that both Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon have passed away, it falls to Jack Klugman and Tony Randall to carry the torch in any future Odd Couple sequels. However, the Grumpy Old Men franchise will have to resort to prequels. May I suggest Kevin Spacey and Oliver Platt as the leads? But do keep that Ann-Margret around, for she’s as young and beautiful as ever. I saw this TV-movie Bye Bye Birdie that aired in 1995, and she looks AMAZINGLY young in it! She’s playing a TEENAGER, for crying out loud! Dick Van Dyke looks pretty young, too… good makeup artists on that flick.
Dark is the main thing; it is there I am tender and undying.
Jacob’s bladder
Every Monday night, or every other Monday night, I throw some pants on and head out to Simon’s, a fine drinking establishment here in the city. This is a tale relating one such adventure, namely the one that occurred tonight.
It all started when I decided to go to Simon’s tonight. I threw on some pants, and some shoes and socks for good measure, and readied myself for an evening of imbibing sweet hooch. As I opened the door to leave, I noticed that my bedroom light was still on. A conscientious conservationist, I reached over to turn the light off, and as I did so, my cat — who lives a horrible life here and (when he is not biting my feet) attempts to bolt at every opportunity, no matter how slight — made a mad dash for the partially open door.
“Oh, no, Snotpockets,” I said. “You’re not going anywhere, buster.” I reached down with my arm to block his path. As I did so, I bashed the top of my head full force against the door jamb.
I stumbled backwards. The cat looked at me with concern, or perhaps schadenfreude. I slammed the door shut and stumbled a few more feet backwards. I walked around in a circle for thirty seconds and then went to the mirror to see if I was bleeding, or possibly seeing any new colors. After determining that the damage was purely internal, I made my way to the train station.
I sat on the platform, waiting for the southbound train. Soon, a train appeared in the distance, then came closer, then approached the station… then blazed right by it without slowing down. “What the fuck?” the waiting crowd said in unison. When the next northbound train arrived, there was a difficult-to-hear announcement coming from within. The announcement repeated. The third time, the announcement came from outside the train: no southbound trains are going to stop at this station. If you want to go south, you have to go north first.
Having hit my head, I found this to be entirely reasonable, even though I ended up waiting at the station for over half an hour.
Soon, I was at Simon’s. I drank two glasses of beer and swore a lot. Nothing out of the ordinary for me.
I took the train home. Oddly, I did not have to go south before I went north. Coming down the stairs from the platform, I followed a very tall black man with very large white sneakers, and for some reason this was notable enough for me to remember. As I passed through the alley on the way back to my apartment, the very same man was standing there, against the wall, having a pee. He had obviously ducked into the alley, thinking no one would see him, well unaware of my regular use of the alley as a handy shortcut. Realizing this, I felt bad that I had intruded upon his peespace, and so, after walking wordlessly past him, I loudly broke wind multiple times, as if to say, “This is an alley where people should be comfortable with their bodily functions. This is an alley where people should be comfortable being people.” He shook himself out in silent approval.
And this is unrelated, but at the library today, a woman called in to address concerns she had over some “overnude notices” she had received in the mail. She hesitated briefly after she said the words in her haughty tone, but did not correct herself. I have laughed each time I have thought about it since. Does that make me immature?