Quick beverage reviews: taste the rainbow


Pepsi Blue
If I could use one word to describe this product, it would be ‘blech’. Tastes like carbonated cough medicine. I’ve had store-brand berry colas with more zest and zeal. Why Pepsi would put its name on a product without the slightest hint of any Pepsi connection is beyond me.

Dr. Pepper Red Fusion
It’s like drinking Dr. Pepper without the Dr. Pepper flavor. Tastes neither terrific nor awful… it’s just sort of there, existing. Like eating a plain cookie without any chocolate chips or oatmeal and raisins.

SoBe Mr. Green
What differentiates this product from Pepsi Blue and Dr. Pepper Red Fusion is that it is, in fact, colored green. Before taking a swig, I was expecting to be overcome with the sensation of ginseng or ginger or ginkoa or some strange Far Eastern mystical additive. Instead, it tasted like a less-sweet Pepsi. I was fine with it; then again, I did have it after downing a few unrelated margaritas earlier.

Mountain Dew Code Red
Smoother and easier on the stomach than Mountain Dew (original). As did most college students who attended a university where the president was also on the PepsiCo board of directors, I depended on Mountain Dew to keep me awake during finals week — and hopefully during the tests, as well. However, in my case, I overdid my portion of the consumption throughout the years, and I am now more or less immune to the caffeine power Mr. Dew has to offer. And since the caffeine no longer has any effect, I have no reason to drink it anymore, since the citrus-y taste is too tart for me. But with the introduction of some kind of cherry flavor in Code Red, the new hybrid product does have more of a sweet taste to it. And best of all: it turns your tongue bright red.

All in all, it’s best not to make a habit out of consuming multi-colored soft drinks. I won’t even bring up the effects it might have on the urinary system.

Daily Hey Magic Number: 13

Graphic design

lucahack: I had a dream once where a professor chastised me in front of the class for swearing during a group discussion
lucahack: a professor who in actuality swore in class regularly
lucahack: so in effect I was making myself feel guilty about his language
A Creamsicle: it’s the puritan in you
lucahack: “got any puritan in you? want some?”
lucahack: hmm… that line doesn’t work
A Creamsicle: only at a very intellectually ironic level
lucahack: “got any music in you? want some?” works better
lucahack: it should be on a concert poster
lucahack: although it is relatively innocuous
A Creamsicle: depends on the graphic
lucahack: a penis-shaped microphone
A Creamsicle: it would be even better on the radio
lucahack: an acoustic guitar with a vagina in the center

Daily Hey Magic Number: 31


Samorama76: do you know of any theatres that are showing the star trek movie at midnite tonite?
lucahack: what am I, some kind of nerd?
Samorama76: um
Samorama76: actually
Samorama76: dude, you left yr pocket protector over here last time
lucahack: hahhahahahaha cough

Daily Hey Magic Number: 32


I just watched some of a softcore porno film in which every on-screen participant was just physically repulsive. Now, I have nothing at all against ugly people getting it on, even girls with mousy faces and hilariously fake everything, and porky guys with bad haircuts and hairy backs. In these movies, the actual appearance of the actors is not as important as it seems, thanks to lighting, cinematography, judicious editing, etc. But these folks were just hideous. I swear, they looked like Daniel Clowes drawings.

I mean, in any cast of softcore players, you’re going to get some hard faces. But for the entire company to be so downright nasty is quite remarkable, and I choose to believe that it was deliberate casting by the director. After all, the world of secret sex cults is a seedy one, and who better to convey that ugliness than the nastiest, trashiest softcore actors and actresses around?

And to think that if I had studied a little harder in my film classes in college, I could be living the dream and directing these movies myself.

Daily Hey Magic Number: 14

Vaguely creative and artistically unfocused balderdash.