Don’t get me wrong
I like comments after my posts. I love comments after my posts. To those of you who have been reading the comments recently and scratching your head in confusion, allow me to explain: “Gunnar”, “Fig”, “Johnny Angelo”, and others are characters from a very funny radio show called The Complacents. They will also be the subjects of online comics, if I can ever be bothered to produce such a thing.
So, several of these people who are leaving comments are in fact fictional characters. Now, since many of you have been asking, allow me to clarify: I am not the one posting these. It is true that there is a Complacents Forum, upon which several of my friends and I have posted as various Complacents characters and had a great deal of fun. But the comments on *this* page are not me.
Which is not to say I do not find them amusing. However, I’ve narrowed it down and I think I know who’s doing it, and I would like to encourage him to stop posting as Complacents characters. People visiting from elsewhere will not understand the joke, and I would like this website to be stranger-friendly – as much as it can be, anyway.
But please, keep leaving comments, as I enjoy them. This goes for everyone. As far as signing them, anonymity has its uses, but here it’s not necessary. At the very least, leave your first name or initials. If you must post as fictional characters, create something new. Is that too much to ask?
I would like to encourage everyone to join my Delphi forum as there is much potential for mirth and merrymaking there. I will be much less picky about things there. I promise! After all, what other forum boasts threads dedicated to bawdy limericks right alongside threads dedicated to Ethan from “Survivor 3″? None.
Although there may be a reason for that.