A comic creator speaks out

Did we bomb Boston to stop the Boston Strangler ? Did we level New York City to get at Son of Sam ? No we did not. So why the fuck should we flatten Afghanistan just to get at a bunch of murderous bastards who have the country’s people in a repressive death grip ?

Or…here’s my favourite solution, which would actually be much more effective than any other but who’s going to listen to a loony peacenik like me ?

We bring bin Laden back to the U.S. for trial and BEFORE locking him up, we keep him in house arrest…. IN THE PLAYBOY MANSION!

Can you imagine how rapidly and thoroughly Bin Laden’s fanatical following would collapse if they saw pictures of him sipping cocktails by the poolside, surrounded by bikini-clad airheads ?

Can you imagine him trying to espouse his fundamentalist doctrines to a gigling gaggle of sexy Playmates ?..

Grant Morrison

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