No backsies

Interesting. My back, in such excruciating pain yesterday, feels merely a dull pain today. This is not all that different from the incident a couple months back when I woke up with a stabbing pain in my big toe, which after a day became a dull pain and soon disappeared. I did not, apparently, have the gout.

I sure hope my body does not continue this trend of constantly activating the pain receptors on random parts of my body for no good reason. If it keeps happening, I’ll kick my body’s fucking ass!

Ow, my ass!

Oh dear

I appear to have thrown my back out.

I left it on my tray after lunch, and the janitor won’t help me dig for it. My parents are gonna kill me!

No. Seriously, I seem to have somehow injured my back in such a way that it feels okay if I am still, but excruciatingly painful should I choose to move. And something I have noticed in the last few hours is that it is very difficult to keep from moving in this on-the-go world of ours.

I think I will take some pain relievers and give this whole back thing a day or two to see how it plays out. Maybe I finally came down with that scoliosis they were always checking us for in elementary school. Perhaps I will have to wear a back brace. If it is so, I will wear it proudly on the outside of my T-shirt and decorate it with stickers.

I hope I haven’t damaged my spine. As I understand it, the spine is a very useful and active part of the body, even if you are cowardly. I wonder: with a damaged spine, would I still be able to breakdance?

Maybe I’ve slipped a disc and will require the assistance of a chiropractor, or a stereo remote control.

Or perhaps I am dying, and rigor mortis is setting in prematurely? This could also explain the bloating.

I tell you, that’s the last time I try to untie my shoes before taking them off.

Waxing cosmological

This should really come as a surprise to no one: the world is running out of stuff. We’re running out of fossil fuels, of wildlife, of trees, of fresh water, of eligible bachelors who don’t turn out to be gay, you name it. We’re running out of everything. Except babies. We have lots and lots of babies.

This article, originally published in the Observer of London, tells of a report which suggests the Earth’s supply of natural resources will be stripped by the year 2050, and that by then we will have been forced to colonize at least two other Earth-sized planets to adequately provide for this continued growth.

In 2050 I will be seventy-five years old, and I plan to not only still be alive but also be a distinguished elder statesman, an important thinker, a noted man of books, oft-quoted in term papers for college history and philosophy courses and in original oratories in high school speech and debate tournaments. In this capacity I will fight tooth and nail any law that would require the execution of anyone over the age of sixty-five in an effort to reduce population growth. Surely, the only viable and just option is space exploration with an eye towards exploiting the resources of other worlds, and never mind that a comic book I am writing deals with this very subject.

As Edwin Hubble discovered almost a century ago, the universe is expanding. The two simplest cosmological models thought of today show that either the universe will eventually collapse back upon itself, destroying everything in a cataclysmic implosion, or the universe will keep on expanding forever, until finally everything is spread so far apart that the temperature of the universe will grow much colder and stars and galaxies will flicker and die, leaving large-scale matter as nothing but invisible hunks of rock floating through the empty blackness of space.

So the universe really has a sunny future either way you look at it. Of course, humans will be long gone by then – or at least, we will be, if we don’t watch ourselves. In his book The Universe in a Nutshell, Stephen Hawking wonders if science/technology and population will ever reach a final steady state. If not, he points out:

By the year 2600 the world’s population would be standing shoulder to shoulder, and the electricity consumption would make the Earth glow red-hot.

So life as a human would be pretty intolerable under those circumstances. Of course, over time, as the growth continued, being human would gradually take on a different meaning. What would the philosophy of such an overcrowded civilization be? Would life be worth less than it is now, a return to the nineteenth century and vigilante justice? Or would it be worth more, with humans not allowed to die under any circumstances, even natural causes? Either way, strife is the only possible outcome.

And strife has been the Earths raison d’ê´²e for the better part of its lifetime, so this will just be business as usual.

The bottom line is that Earth as a planetary mass will probably be around until the sun dies, millions of years from now. Humanity may not be so lucky. So let’s settle Mars. Let’s go set up camps on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

‘Cause dammit, I’ll be an old man and I won’t want you kids running around on my lawn.

Comic book conventional

And so another Wizard World-brand comic convention has come and gone, and I think this might have been my last one, unless something changes.

I go to shop, but I have run out of things to buy; I go to meet creators, but I am too shy to talk to them; I go to see panels, but I oversleep and miss the good ones; I go to spend time with girls from the internet and they get drunk and run around and raise hell and are generally terribly difficult to keep up with.

This year, I spent far less money than I have in the past, and that probably would have been the case even if I had not spent all of Saturday chasing the girls around. Am I getting tired of comics? I don’t think so. It’s simply gotten to the point where I more or less own all the older stuff I’d been looking for in years past. Am I getting tired of comics fans? Hell yes. And being that I am one, it puts me in quite a pickle, doesn’t it?

I walked through row after row of artists and retailers peddling their wares, which, based on display alone, were by and large composed of richly detailed paintings of fantasy warrior women, with stickers over any exposed nipplage in the paintings so that small children walking by would not be subjected to a visual onslaught of nipples that their young minds were too weak to prepare them for. I looked at the fat, balding artists selling these, and the fat, balding men buying them, and could not help but think of my own future. I would like to be an artist. I like drawing women. Will I become this artist? Or will I give up on my art and become the man who buys this stuff? Do I really have to become either? Can’t I put a gun in my mouth instead?

Wander up

Oh, hi there.

I suppose I should have been helping out with the First Seminannual Daily Hey Catch-up Freakout Event, but I’ve been sort of dry on content. Lucas deserves a break, though, so here I go.

Here’s a poem I wrote for a girl one time. I sent it to her and I think she liked it, but things never really went anywhere. Maybe just as well, we weren’t really into singin’ the same kinds of Christmas songs anyway.

Some of you will no doubt see right through this riddle and devine who the recipient, indeed, was. Well, good for you.

“a gross sin lecture”

A recluse is strong.
Select a gross ruin.

Censure a toss girl
a screen-gilt Russo.

Girl, sort us a scene
(a recess girl, not us.)

I run a secret gloss,
a relic russet song.

A nice slug resorts
a nice gross result,

a gross incest lure.
Resist a cruel song,

a cruel sister song
(a ‘cruel’ is ten gross.)

A census store girl,
escorts a lug siren.

Cage, less iron rust =
angelic Eros truss.

(Rig nose-lace truss,
lace sure is strong.)

Sin, rustle corsage,
creating sure loss–

nor is tussle grace,
lost sunrise grace.

“Nuclear Regis Toss!”
sung Sister Oracle.

Clear surge isn’t so
clear I guess (snort.)

Stern social surge,
clang is sour, terse.

Sure, no less tragic.
Tragic lesson, sure.

So resent surgical
sunset, garlic rose

Girl causes Sterno
(‘cause girl so stern.)

Caress it sure, long.
Caress is true, long.

Caress “Senor Guilt.”
Caress, let us groin.

Sure, sign scare ‘lot.
Sure sign lost race.

Race loss isn’t urge,
coarse sunset girl.

Care less, sung Tori.
Care less, so grunt I.

“Less rigour, ascent!”
sung Sir O’ercastle.

“Slur Ocean-Tigress!”
(gross inert clause.)

Care, grit, soulness.

Sure, go sin scarlet.

Oh, the festivity

Chicago likes to have its July 4 festivities on the evening of July 3. I suspect that this is so we do not have to compete with nearby cities in Indiana, where the more outrageous fireworks are curiously legal and thus draw (and also put out) many a curious eye. Either that or Chicago just wants to party the night before so it can get drunk and not have to worry about work the next day. Either way, it is clear that Chicago is one burg that knows what’s what.

I decided to reprise my July 3 evening activity from last year, since I enjoyed myself immensely, so I pulled on my shoes and socks and pants and strolled a couple blocks over to Lake Michigan, where I stood on the beach and watched the fireworks down in the city.

However, this year was different. First of all, the beach was far more crowded. I chalked it up to the thousands of people who read my write-up of the experience last year and wanted to try it for themselves. And they’d tell two friends, and they’d tell two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on. Also notable was the presence of little children who were organizing chants the entire time. They went through several rounds each of “USA! USA! USA!” and “God Bless America! God Bless America! God Bless America!” The most interesting one was “Peace on Earth! Peace on Earth! Peace on Earth!” which isn’t really what Independence Day is all about, and to hear it chanted by a bunch of ten-year-old boys who were probably just going to go home and play Grand Theft Auto 3 was mildly ironic, but in general the ignorance of the prepubescent set is not without its charm, and this was no exception.

The fireworks themselves were unremarkable, hindered by a cloudy sky, and by the fact that they seemed to be lower to the ground than usual. From my vantage point, the fireworks were going off behind two very tall buildings off in the distance, which produced a visual image that was not dissimilar from, say, two towers exploding in a ball of flame.

Eventually, that show ended and another one started several miles up to the north, slightly closer, more audible and unobscured by buildings, but also unremarkable. I slowly came to the realization that I was bored to tears and wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of there and go home and play with my new graphics tablet. For some reason, however, I felt bad about feeling this way, and so I decided to walk up the beach until the fireworks stopped.

Forty minutes later, the fireworks were still popping, and I had walked a few miles on sand in the darkness. “The hell with this,” I said, as the rockets red glare and bombs bursting in air continued glaring and bursting, respectively. “Good night, America.”

Caught up!

Hooray! I now have a proper half a year’s worth of postings. I can’t say all of them are worthwhile, but at the very least they provide a larger text base from which various search engines can find word and phrase combinations that will lead unwitting saps to my website.

Now to get started on July…

Daily Hey Magic Number: Zero! Now don’t bother me again until December.

Gay up

Samorama76: happy gaypride day!
lucahack: yay
Samorama76: i didnt get any pussy today :-(
lucahack: sorry
Samorama76: you’d think everyone would want to prove their gayness
lucahack: not me
lucahack: it’s the closet or nothing
Samorama76: well, its trendier for chicks

Daily Hey Magic Number: 1

1 up

This morning, I discovered a secret cave with many 1-ups. Unfortunately, I could not reach them, as they were accessible only from a platform hovering very high up in the center of the room. I think I might have to somehow find a way to drop down from above.

This is not a video game I’m talking about, by the way. I was over by Lake Michigan.

Daily Hey Magic Number: 2

Vaguely creative and artistically unfocused balderdash.