Lucas = lunkhead
Alas, for I am a lunkhead. I say lunkhead words and I perform lunkhead actions. I read lunkhead books and watch television shows that have been specifically designed for lunkheads. Come election season, I shall invariably vote for any candidate running on the lunkhead ticket. I am constantly asked to sit in the lunkhead section at the back of the bus, and I risk inciting a riot if I happen to sip the cool water from the non-lunkhead drinking fountain in the public square. I go to lunkhead church every Sunday and worship my lunkhead God, who created me in His image. When I die I will be buried in the lunkhead section of the cemetery in the shadow of an aging oak tree, whose weakening limbs stretch up toward a decaying leafy ceiling that barely thrives beneath the gloom of a smoky gray firmament.
Diving headlong into vacation
Ahhh… done with the school year. Now to get a jump on that job search. After I chug this here 40. Oh, you sweet delicious malt liquor. Where have you been all my life?
An idea whose etc. update
An idea whose time is dumb
Yeah, public toilets with internet access are a pretty fucking stupid idea.
Ten more days
Just ten more days to go. I can make it. I can do this. I will not spontaneously combust. Or perhaps if I do, it will be for other reasons. If a combustion that is spontaneous can be said to have reasons behind its occurrence.
Brilliant but scary
Neocon free verse
As we know,
There are known knowns.
There are things we know we know.
We also know
There are known unknowns.
That is to say
We know there are some things
We do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don’t know
We don’t know.—Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
More here. It’s really all quite good.
The Denver blizzard of Aught Three would have been the leading story on the national news had other, less daily-life impacting events not been occurring.
What, I’m not allowed to have a giant headline?
Happy Pi Day
Or slightly more precisely
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105 8209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679=pi.