Category Archives: Drawing Is Fun

Buddy up

Here’s another pencil drawing I made I few years ago, of a pair of women, possibly with mischief on their minds.

she and her

In the interest of full disclosure, these characters also had complete bodies at one time. However, they were very poorly drawn and so I opted to cut them from the picture. You have an issue with that, you go take it up with my attorney.

Pencil thin tie

It’s been a while since I posted a drawing for you folks, so I figured I’d dig around and find one. Unfortunately, my graphics tablet is on the fritz, and it’ll be a long time before I save up enough pennies to buy me one of these dealies. So I do not have anything inked and colored and cleaned up real nice. All I have for you is raw pencils. Consider this an “unplugged” version of one of my drawings, although it should be noted that the scanner was in fact plugged in, as is this very computer.

I call him Anton. Or possibly Chip.

See? I DO draw males!


Desperate for ideas, I spent this evening rifling through papers from college. For the most part, the search was a wash; however, I did happen to find a very charming picture I doodled while I should have been taking notes in film class. It warmed my heart and made me smile.

Unfortunately, something is wrong with my scanner, so instead I have lovingly redrawn the picture. I feel that I have captured its magical essence. Enjoy.

whump whump whump whump whump whump

If you don’t get it, well, maybe you should take a film history class, bucko!