Outta site

The more astute amongst you may have observed that I have trimmed some of the fat off the Lucubus. First on the chopping block was ShanDo! – An Avantgarde New Media Art Piece Disguised as a Shannen Doherty Fan Site. I had grown quite tired of various international personalities e-mailing me and asking me to send nude photos of myself, presumably although not necessarily under the impression that I was Shannen herself. Also holding my interest no longer are e-mail messages from assorted Charmed fans both foreign and domestic, who do not seem to get the joke that I neither love Shannen nor hate her, but am entirely indifferent, and thus are inclined to call me a dickhead or a retard or possibly a retarded dickhead. Don’t get me wrong, I love being insulted, but I’d rather the insult be well-informed, you know? Anyway, the page is still up in its original location, but I’ve removed all the links to it. It will ultimately be available for viewing in a site archive I’m building, although that probably won’t stop it from going into the search engines, dammit. At any rate, all messages sent to [address deleted] or [address deleted] will, from here on in, go straight to the trash.

Also removed from mass linkage is the homepage of The Complacents The Real Life Band. The Complacents The Real Life Band have not played a show for about two years now. The most recent news update congratulates Jeremy on his marriage, and he’s not even the most recent Complacent The Real Life Band Member to get married. That would be Mike. (Congratulations, Mike! Even though it happened six months ago and I’ve congratulated you in person since!) So, out-of-date combined with probably-defunct results in internet litter, and thus shall be swept into the rubbish bin of the not-linked-from-the-main-page site archives. Taking its place in the link is the homepage of The Complacents The Fictional Cartoon And/Or Radio Show Band, or complacents.com for short, which has a halfway decent prayer of being updated in the next few years.

The final, most minor deletion was that of the “Something Else” section, ironically named as “Nothing Else At All” was ever put there. At various times I thought I could make it a photo gallery of my toenail clippings, or of my customized Lego action figures, or possibly instructions on how to perform a nosefart. But “Something Else” fell by the wayside, and few will mourn the passing of the Most Pointless Single HTML Document On The Internet. Or at least in my zip code.

Anyway, the end result is a smooth, efficient site. And also I have tweak the bottom menu frame so it looks right again.

The Lucubus. Bringing you webby fun and internet good times since, oh, 1996 or so.

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