Gear up

The countdown to June 30 approaches. What is significant about June 30? Aside from being the tenth anniversary of when my braces were forcibly yanked off my teeth by the all-powerful orthodontist, it is also noteworthy because it marks the year’s halfway point. This is significant here at the Lucubus because back at the beginning of the year I made a resolution (which I am unlikely to repeat next year) to have 365 Daily Hey entries for 2002, even if it means doing tons and tons of catch-up on December 31.

In order to avoid the extra work I’m going to have to do at the end of the year, I am going to jump in and play Six-Month Catch Up. This will basically consist of dozens and dozens of short Daily Heys all posted within minutes of each other. I am unsure how far I am behind the 182.5 posts I’ll want to have when the clock strikes midnight on July 1, but I am sure one of you human computers out there can go in and take a look for me.

In addition, I am considering adding one or two more correspondents to the Lucubus team. And because there is no challenge like a needless one, I have another blog project in development.

“When do you have time to do all this?” is a question I am frequently asked. The answer, unfortunately, is not good advice on time management: it replaces several dozen perfectly good sleeping hours per week. But I think it’s worth it. Isn’t it?

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