News and notes

Well, not really. I just ate some cold spaghetti and a pineapple coconut ice cream cone. Life is pretty sweet. I have been working on a new site layout. The problem with thinking of a new layout is that I’m not sure which elements, if any, that I would like to keep from the previous layout. One certain change is that this blog will be appearing on the front page, so typing “” will lead you straight to it, without having to type out “/thedailyhey”. It’s a fairly conventional thing, the blog-on-the-front-page, but it is a thing that makes sense, and a thing that will help reduce site-bloat. I will still be calling this The Daily Hey, despite claims from myself and others that it is not particularly daily. I have to say that it has been so long since I have done any designing that I am basically having to re-learn how to do it. But look for The Lucubus, Version 5.0 before summer is out.

Also on the horizon: I’m working on my first full-length comic book. The working title is THE INADEQUATES, and as it is planned as a 24-page story I have no idea when it will be finished, let alone when I will let anyone look at it. But it will be full of everything you have come to expect from me: drawings of pretty girls, and oodles of unfunny comedy and hilarious serious bits. Sneak peeks will be given as they become available. We shall see!

One more thing – in an effort to make myself look more ridiculous and less attractive to women I have started to grow a moustache. Actually, I have good reasons for doing so: the hair above my upper lip doesn’t itch, unlike the hair under my chin; every time I shave above my upper lip, I cut myself in six places and bleed profusely and have a scab moustache the next day; and there’s a slim chance I’ll end out looking like the dread pirate Wesley from “The Princess Bride”, and he was drop dead handsome.

Till later, sweet potater –